As Rep. Louie Gohmert once said, “This is what you have when vindictive leftists get in charge of major parts of the government.”
There is no denying that Leftist-Progressives have always been tyrants and fascists; they just never had so much power to destroy people with cancel culture in the past as they have now- so we are seeing an epidemic of abuse of power and people who are on greedy binges to control free Americans.
For roughly 18 months, we have heard that the individuals that are still being held in prison as they await their trials were not being held as political prisoners.
Now, we are seeing that Biden’s Department of Justice may have shown how that is exactly what is happening. It may very well be political.
Texas Republican Rep.Gohmert blasted the move of Biden’s DOJ, saying:
“What we’re seeing is when immoral, mean-spirited, leftist people take over the government, they use every aspect of the government in order to try to inflict their hatred on people with whom they disagree. Even after most of the Democrats in the House of Representatives obstructed an official session of Congress back in June 2016, at that time, none of us were saying these people have got to be put in jail,”
“We just wanted to be able to go back into session as the majority. But when they have power, obstructing an official session of Congress — which is the worst charge many of the January Sixers were charged with — we see the left wanting to bury them, take away any benefit, destroy their lives and not only their lives they want to destroy their homes, destroy their children’s lives. This is an evil, toxic atmosphere when these types of people are in control of so much of the federal government,” Gohmert asserted.
Sources: TheGatewayPundit, The Epoch Times