These Crooks Walked Into The Wrong House, And They Quickly Learned Why…


Five people were busted trying to break into a home in uptown Friday night, but not in the way you might expect. The suspects returned to the home to try to break in again because they didn’t know the officers were still inside.

The homeowner reportedly arrived at his townhouse to find people inside attempting to steal from him. He managed to back away from the home without being noticed and proceeded total 911.

“I can just imagine him walking in there, not noticing that. It’d be a much different situation,” neighbor Kathryn Ruland told WBTV.

Police arrived at the home while 24-year-old Javonte Cathcart and 33-year-old Johnny Penny were still inside and arrested them both. Unaware that authorities were inside investigating the incident, three more suspects returned to the home two hours later.

The next thing that happened shocked everyone. According to CMPD officers, two hours later, three of the original suspects came back to break into the same home again. Unbeknownst to them, police were still in the home completing their investigation.

Those three suspects, 20-year-old Malik Long, 18-year-old Khalil Wallace, and 16-year-old Jamaka Culbreath, tried to run but were caught and taken into custody.

“I was in my house and I just saw a bunch of cops; I didn’t know what was going on – all of a sudden I heard screaming and ran inside, it was crazy.” commented another neighbor, Avi Bagley.

Penny, Cathcart, Long, and Wallace are now charged with felony breaking and entering. Cullbreath is charged with possession of stolen goods. Penny and Wallace are additionally charged with possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.

The suspects, 20-year-old Malik Long, 22-year-old Khalil Wallace, and 16-year-old Jamaka Culbreath were all arrested after attempting to flee the scene once they realized the police presence.

According to AWM, folks online shared lots of comments about how these robbers arrived at a home occupied by Charlotte police.

“I lived in North Carolina for most of my life. I only lived about 3 hours from Charlotte. These are some of the most stupid criminals I have heard about!! Glad they were caught and charged,” one reader commented on Facebook.

“Cocky b*****ds. Lock them up and throw away the key. Chances are they will get an education on how to commit other crimes from their fellow inmates while they are in prison,” another wrote.

Sources: AWM, WSOC

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