Last month, New York Times Reporter Jonathan reportedly released excerpts from the rumored book titled: “This Will Not Pass’. He exposed discord within the Biden administration, including Kamala Harris accusing Biden’s ‘white inner circle’ of being racist.
And then last week, Martin released his highly anticipated book, “This Will Not Pass’. The book tears open old wounds within both the Democrat and Republican parties.
There are a lot of bombshells from the book, some never heard secrets, one of which is the revelation of RINOs within the Republican Party were hand-wringing after the unrest that occurred on January 6th at the Capitol.
In fact, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said that he was happy that President Trump had “finally, totally discredited himself” after the ‘Stop the Steal’ rally.
President Trump breaks his silence yesterday, he released a statement slamming Mitch McConnell and his RINO friends in Congress, saying, they are so blinded by their hatred for him that they would prefer to see a ‘Democrat like Biden elected President than Trump.’
Here’s an excerpt from President Trump’s statement:
“Mitch McConnell and his RINO friends would rather see a Democrat like Biden be president than a Republican like me. It works better for him and his agenda, but it doesn’t work better for our Country. He should have done something about it, and he still should. When a thief robs a jewelry store and gets caught, they have to give back the jewelry. Think of it: The election was rigged and stolen, we found out how, and Republican leadership doesn’t want to do anything about it. They say, “Sir, you’re winning in a landslide, both against Republicans and Democrats. Think to the future, sir. Think to the future.” To which I say, “You can never think to the future until we solve the past, because it will just happen again.”
Everybody go out and study True the Vote and all of the information about illegal ballot harvesting, millions of votes, that’s coming out next week. Also, check out the Dinesh D’Souza documentary, “2000 Mules,” about this scam. You will come away a different person, and say to yourself that our Country’s elections are run worse than those of a third world nation.”
And below is President Trump’s full statement:
Source: 100percentfedup