The insanity continues, this time in Port Townsend, Washington…
An 80-year-old woman has been banned from using the public pool at her local YMCA after she questioned why a biological male was allowed in the women’s locker room while young girls were undressing. In other words, a pedophile’s wet dream.
The incident happen on July 26 when 80-year-old Julie Jaman was showering in the local pool’s facilities when she heard “a man’s voice in the women’s dressing area.”
In her curiosity, she looked out and saw a clearly confused biological male wearing a women’s swimsuit speaking with little girls who were in the process of undressing.
The male was apparently “overseeing” the activities of the young girls who were at the “Y” as part of a day camp.
Last Monday, Jaman, a resident of the city for about 40 years, addressed the city council while describing the bizarre situation she encountered at the Mountain View Pool after her regular swim.
“In an effort by the city and the YMCA to apply the neo-cultural gender rules at Mountain View Pool dressing, shower room facilities, women and children are being put at risk,” Jaman told Port Townsend City Council on Monday.
More details of this incident from The Daily Wire’s report:
“There were gaps in the curtain and there I was, naked, with soap and water on me, and this guy, right there very close to me,” Jaman said. “I asked, ‘Do you have a penis?’ He said, ‘That’s none of your business.’ That’s when I told him, ‘Get out of here, right now.’”
Jaman said she turned to DeLuna, who was outside the shower stall, and said, “Get him out of here,” but DeLuna responded, “You’re discriminating and you can’t use the pool anymore and I’m calling the police.”
Jaman claimed that when she got dressed and tried to leave the building, a YMCA staff member told her she could not leave, echoed by DeLuna, prompting Jaman to respond, “Bull****! I’m going to the police right now. I want help and I need it immediately.”
Jaman said Wendy Bart, the CEO of the Olympic Peninsula YMCA, spoke to her later that day and told her that she was banned from the pool, and said a staff member told her that Jaman said to Adams, “You’re going to stick your f***ing penis in those little girls.” Jaman, the mother of two adult daughters, said she reacted, “I am an 80-year-old woman and I do not talk like that.”
Here’s what Jaman told the city council:
“My experience after having my swim was hearing a man’s voice in the women’s dressing area and seeing a man in a woman’s swimsuit watching little girls pull down their bathing suits in order to use the toilets in the dressing room. I reacted by telling him to leave, and the consequence is that I have been banned from the pool.”
“There is no signage informing women the shower room is now all-gender and what that means, nor have parents been informed of what they can expect with these new policies. The Y has not provided any dressing shower room options for women who do not want to be exposed to men who identify as women. It is unconscionable that the YMCA would implement these new policies without clearly informing pool patrons and parents.”
“The YMCA, the city, the police and sheriffs, the parents, the professionals who assist victims of voyeurism, peeping Toms, pedophilia and assault need to come together figure too out how to make the new policies work for all pool patrons, not just one group. How to keep children, who are less able to discriminate, safe. It is ironic that women who discriminate when a situation threatens their safety or their children — a message from our ancestors — are now accused of discrimination as if they have made someone else a victim.”
Sources: DailyWire, Port Townsend Free Press