What We Just Learned About The NEW GEORGE SOROS Is Absolutely Frightening!


Laurene Powell Jobs, whom Vox describes as “one of the world’s most important philanthropists is now considered as the New George Soros, BREITBART reported.

Laurene is the widow of Apple founder and billionaire computer guru Steve Jobs; not only she has become a secret superpower behind a vast network of left-wing media outlets, organizations, and politicians. Forbes lists Jobs as one of the ten richest women on earth, with a net worth of around $16 billion, mostly from her family stakes in two of the world’s biggest companies: Apple and Disney.

Well, the good news is, we now know what she is really up to and how powerful she is.

If there is a good side of her that is widely known, the bad news is not only she is extremely powerful but very sneaky.

A journalist who wrote the piece goes on to claim that he investigated Job’s growing political influence in his new book.

He even compared Lauren to a Hungarian billionaire George Soros. Well, we all know that Soros is branded a “philanthropist,” but he also functions as a one-man piggy bank for the globalist far-left. Much like Soros’ Open Society Foundations, the main vehicle for Jobs’ influence is Emerson Collective (EC), the philanthropic outfit she founded and leads. The Emerson Collective, according to Forbes, is “a hybrid philanthropic and investing limited liability company.” That’s a pretty murky description, which appears to allow them to engage in business and charity without ever being explicit about which is which. I’m not sure which of the two categories it falls under, but EC also happens to own the Atlantic.

Laura was accused of doing a lot of shady stuff because she is hiding most of what she does, and for the record they are even responsible for the controversial fake news stories of the entire election cycle, remembering Suckers and Losers. The story tells us that alleged (through all anonymous sources) that President Trump, while in France to commemorate American Marines who died in World War II, denigrated American soldiers who died in combat.

The timing of the piece was so incredibly suspicious that the Atlantic was accused of “coordinating” with the Biden campaign for a hit.

Well, now that we know who’s really behind the Atlantic, I guess that makes perfect sense, right?

Now we all need to be more ready, I have a feeling that she’s been behind a lot as we keep going forward.

Sources: Wayne Dupree, BREITBART

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