Two persons suffered significant injuries when an RV slammed into the side of a donut shop. The frightening aftermath of the collision is depicted in graphic detail in the images.
In Lakewood, Colorado, the motor home crashed into Winchell’s Donut House at roughly 7 a.m.
West Metro Fire Rescue initially said no one inside the donut shop was injured. However, Ty Countryman, the public information officer for the Lakewood Police Department, later confirmed there were several people inside the Winchell’s who were hurt, including a man who was sitting at a table directly hit by the vehicle and thrown across the room.
The RV’s driver and a client inside the establishment were sent to the hospital with serious but not life-threatening wounds, according to the Lakewood Police Department.
Two of the four occupants inside the RV were also injured, according to WMFR, and were brought to the hospital. The driver’s wounds are regarded as severe. Firefighters also rescued a dog from inside the motor home; fortunately, the pet wasn’t injured and is with Lakewood Animal Control.
WMFR on scene of an RV into building at Pierce & Colfax. Two people inside the RV, both taken to hospital. Firefighters rescued a dog that was also inside. Structure is damaged, our technical rescue team will be working to shore it up. No one injured inside the business.
— WestMetroFire (@WestMetroFire) August 15, 2022
Images from the crash site revealed the donut store has significant structural damage.
A technical rescue crew was working to sustain the structure when the RV was punctured through the side of the company.
The West Metro Fire’s technical rescue team is repairing the building after the front of the business sustained significant damage. To look for HVAC units on the rooftop and potential collapse concerns, the team launched their drone into the air.
The accident’s cause was not immediately known. But Officials said that it seems as though the RV was heading north on Pierce Street when it attempted to turn left onto Colfax Avenue heading west.
They also claimed that, as of right now, there is no evidence of dangerous driving on the surveillance footage, adding that “somewhere in that process of the left turn it didn’t get finished.”
Watch it here: Youtube/9News
Sources: Westernjournal, 9news, Kktv