You would think the guardians of a familiar billboard on Route 2/4 have really stepped in it this time. However, Calvert County officials have declared there is nothing they can do to have the controversial cartoon images of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris shown sitting in feces removed from the public’s view.
The sign is located on Route 4 in Huntingtown, showing the cartoon faces of both of them smiling on top of a large emoji-style drawing of poop. It reads, “DON’T BLAME TRUMP! YOU ARE STUCK WITH THESE TWO S–T HEADS!!!”
While many can agree with the overall messaging of the billboard, some are speaking out against it due to the fact that it is displayed in a community, and children who drive by will be exposed to the language on the sign.
One of those individuals calling for the removal of the sign is Jeanette Flaim, chairwoman of the Calvert County Democratic Central Committee.
“It is vulgar and it doesn’t reflect Calvert County.” She stated, “kids are going to school, and they’re going by it every day, and parents are driving their kids. We just don’t think kids should have to see that or parents should have to explain that.”
Despite the comments, Board of County Commissioners President Buddy Hance indicated that taking the sign down may not be easy. He noted, “There is nothing that we as county government can do for language that’s on a legal sign. You know this country was built on the foundation of free speech, and sometimes we like what that free speech says and sometimes we don’t.”
However, Flaim stated that it’s just not an issue of free speech after numerous signs blasting Biden and supporting former president Donald Trump have gone up in the same place without any repercussions.
What she particularly takes issue with is the insulting language and the mocking imagery that was used on this particular billboard. She stated, “We have not complained about any other signs. It’s this sign we think is, again, damaging to all of us, all of us in Calvert. The GOP, the Independents, everybody.”
The sign, which is on private property and is a standard size, doesn’t appear to break any local laws but has sparked mass outrage, especially among local Democrats.
Sources: OpposingViews, Fox 5
Democrats , no sense of humor and , it seems they love to fish it out , yet they can’t take it !
Poor Democrats! So “offended” when thier own methods get used against them. Carl Marx would be SO offended.