Ouch, Black Lives Matter Just Tore Joe Biden Into A Million Pieces….


In American politics, black voters hold an unusual position. For decades, they vote heavily on Democratic politicians. Even though the black population isn’t as large as the white population, the Democratic Party still has probability.

And for a long time, the Democratic Party and Joe Biden depend on the black vote.

Following the murder of George Floyd in 2020, Democrats and Joe Biden went all out to blame Donald Trump and the police for his death.

Floyd’s death sparked a national movement against racial injustice, causing long-held opinions on race and policing to shift radically. The fact that Democrats won the presidency by sympathizing with BLM and Black voters is evident.

During his election, Joe Biden often stated that he will end so-called police prejudice. However, moving the BLM agenda into legislation has proven difficult for Democrats, who control both chambers of Congress by a razor-thin margin.

Now, the recent acts of Joe Biden have agitated BLM activists that it is almost likely that BLM will soon stop supporting Democrats. Last week, President Joe Biden issued an executive order on police reform, The executive order, according to the White House, requires federal agencies to soften their use-of-force policies by prohibiting chokeholds, limiting no-knock warrants, and supporting de-escalation techniques. But the BLM is not happy with the decision.

In a series of tweets Thursday, Black Lives Matter (BLM) expressed outrage in the wake of the president’s signing an order that policing continues.

The Executive Order also calls for the creation of a new national standard for accrediting police departments, as well as a national database to track police misconduct, a ban on military equipment being transferred to police departments, and the implementation of new tools to screen for bias among officers and recruits, including those who promote unlawful violence or hold white supremacist views.

Democrats believe that this is one of the “most significant police reforms in decades”. But BLM is not at all appeased by this new Executive Order and they have tagged Biden as a supporter of ‘White Supremacist’

BLM tweeted, “Maintaining a white supremacist institution like policing costs Black lives. This continued commitment by politicians to support our killers makes them accessories to our demise.”

“Politicians have been protecting systems of policing as if it could magically abandon its roots of slave patrolling and anti-Black violence,” it said in another tweet. “Banning chokeholds and requiring body cameras doesn’t keep us safe. More money for ‘training’ doesn’t keep us safe,” it added.

“President Biden’s EO willfully ignores the inherently racist origins of policing & advances the same ideas over and over again as if somehow it will magically make old, outdated approaches work. Halfway measures will not save our people from white supremacy and state violence,” it said.

BLM and its supporters leaving the Democratic Party ahead of the crucial midterms could be devastating for the party. Now, how will Biden reclaim the lost ground?

Well, is up to him.

Sources: Conservativebrief, Infowars, Ussanews

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