Liberal Policies Forcing Walgreens To LOCK UP EVERY SINGLE ITEM!


What’s happening in a local Walgreens controlled by Democrats only proves incompetence and widespread liberal agenda in place.

There would be no problem with anything like this today if only Democrat cities protected mail-in ballots like they protect their local Walgreens then there would be no doubt that Trump would be sitting in the oval office right now.

Recently, a bizarre photo was posted by a verified user on Twitter inside of a Walgreens located in San Fransico.

The photo shows that almost every single item in the store was locked up due to ongoing thefts occurring at the location.

All these rampant theft incidents happened after the state of California decriminalized theft under $950, convenience stores such as Walgreens have been big targets for thieves.

More details from Daily Mail’s report about Walgreen’s being robbed:

San Francisco and its Bay Area neighbors have been hit hard by a wave of property crimes and smash-and-grab robberies since the start of the pandemic. That has forced multiple branches of Walgreens to close in a bid to stem their theft-related losses amid mounting criticism of soft-on-crime DAs many say are enabling the widespread criminality.

Cellphone video captured by professional photographer Nicholas Stennet shows a man dressed in all black removing items from shelves behind the counter of the San Francisco drug store with utter disregard for two store workers standing right next to him.

One of the employees is on the phone with a 911 dispatcher, reporting a robbery in progress.

‘We have this person that is… taking everything from the counter,’ the woman says. ‘Can you send the cops? Can you send them right away, please?’

The looter, meanwhile, calmly moves to a different section of the counter and continues to fill a plastic bag with a variety of goods, including COVID tests, batteries and electronics, according to one eyewitness.

After ransacking the shelves to his heart’s content, the criminal emerges from behind the counter and makes it for the exit.

When a bystander makes an attempt to stand up to him, the audacious bandit grabs a bunch of bananas from a basket and forcefully hurls them at the man, who picks up some of the fruit and lobs them back at the attacker.

Sources: WLT, Daily Mail

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