HOLY S***, Joe Biden Really Said The Quiet Part Loud This Time…


On Wednesday, Biden told a group of teachers and other White House guests that “the greatest sin anyone can commit is the abuse of power.”

What Joe Biden said is a total reflection of what he has been doing ever since he set in the office. He has been abusing the power vested in him, and Americans have to suffer the consequences.

Well, the American people are one step closer to looking into Joe Biden’s eyes and understanding his soul as he did to Russian President Vladimir Putin that one time — as Biden likes to claim.

“The Big Guy,” AKA, the head of the Biden Crime Family, Joe Biden, actually said he got involved in politics because he thinks the greatest sin anyone can commit is the abuse of power.

During the event in the WH wherein, Joe and Jill Biden hosted the Council of Chief State School Officers’ 2022 National and State Teachers of the Year in the East Room of the White House. Biden told the room of teachers that he got into politics because he was sick of politicians abusing their power.

“I got involved in politics because I think the greatest sin anyone can commit is the abuse of power,” said Biden.

Watch the video below:

TGP commented further:

The Bidens, headed by Joe is one of the biggest crooks in DC and his entire family profited from his abuse of power. Fast-forward nearly 50 years and Joe Biden can somehow afford beachfront homes on a Senator’s salary.

Joe Biden used his crackhead son Hunter as a bagman to collect money from some of the most dangerous criminals in the world. Joe used Hunter as a bagman for his international influence peddling and money laundering operation.

Yet Joe Biden tells a room of teachers that he got into politics because he was sick of politicians abusing their power. And he said it with a straight face.

Source: TheGatewayPundit

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