His Reason For Crashing His Car On A Open Golf Course Is Absolutely Insane…


A man who drove his SUV onto a golf course and became stuck on the sixth hole puts the blame on the faulty navigation app.

In the early morning hours of June 2, Brae Burn Country Club members in Newton, Mass., were greeted with a shocking sight – an SUV stuck in the golf course.

The driver told police that he was following the Waze navigation app on his phone after dropping friends off at approximately 2 a.m. He somehow drove past a gate and a no-trespassing sign before ending up on the golf course.

“It was pitch-black out when he was driving and took one of the turns too wide and got stuck,” police wrote.

According to AWM:

Police eventually caught up with the driver of the SUV and blasted them with tons of questions. However, the driver kept coming back to one excuse – the navigation app made them do it. According to the person who was behind the wheel of the SUV late at night, they were following the navigation app, Waze, when they were told to take a turn that led them directly onto the golf course.

The driver had just dropped off friends and was following the directions on the app when he was told to turn onto the Brae Burn County Club course. The driver got past a gate and a no-trespassing sign before driving onto the golf course and getting the SUV stuck on the ridge.

A tow truck was able to pull the SUV off the golf course and get it back on the road.

Lt. Bruce Apotheker of the Newton Police Department said:

“When the officers go there, one of the concerns is always is somebody drinking or something like that. They found no indication of any kind of impairment. I’ve been with the police department for thirty-seven years, and I’ve never a car quite like this. Sometimes a vehicle may end up somewhere on purpose, but to have somebody’s GPS take them to a golf course and to end up on hole number six, that’s quite unusual.”

Officers noted that they did not smell any odor of an alcoholic beverage on the driver, did not observe any slurred speech and his eyes were not red. The country club staff confirmed that the SUV did not damage the landscape on the golf course.

Despite driving onto their course in the middle of the night, the golf course did not press charges on the driver.

Watch the video below for more details:

Source: AWM

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