Epstein was one of those people that when you realize how sinister he really was, you know that he couldn’t have done all of this by himself.
That is why when we start to figure out who was helping him and who was supporting him that you have to think about what those people were hiding about themselves.
The Maxwell woman is one of those people that you have to regard almost as more evil than Epstein because she helped hide all of it.
A massive 418-page deposition from Ghislaine Maxwell regarding her sex life is set to be made public through a federal appeal court ruling, according to the Daily Mail.
A panel of three judges claimed that the lower court ‘applied the correct legal framework’ in making its decision.
The ruling said, “The District Court correctly held that the deposition materials are judicial documents to which the presumption of public access attaches and did not abuse its discretion in rejecting Maxwell’s meritless arguments that her interests superseded the presumption of access.”
“The District Court’s order articulated and applied the correct legal framework in its individualized review of the materials to be unsealed.”
Giuffre’s lawyer David Boies said, “It is an important step towards vindicating the public interest in understanding the scope and scale of Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking ring and the efforts made to conceal it.”
From The Daily Mail:
Maxwell’s lawyers even said that releasing the deposition would prejudice her right to a fair trial.
Maxwell, 58, is currently in jail awaiting trial on charges that she lured girls as young as 14 to Jeffrey Epstein to abuse between 1994 and 1997.
The deposition is part of thousands of files that are gradually being made public as part of a defamation case brought against Maxwell by Virginia Roberts Giuffre, which is separate from the criminal matter.
She is an Epstein victim who claims she was forced to have sex with Prince Andrew, allegations he denies, and that Maxwell groomed her.
People like Epstein and Maxwell need to be placed in solitary confinement for the rest of their life to be given the time to think about the lives that they destroyed. Epstein was killed to shut him up from incriminating the rich and powerful, who should be sought out and convicted as well.
I tell you I am tired of hearing about Sealed Records like Kennedy when killed Sealed for 20 years and Obama,s Records still Sealed today and now this what kind of Deal is this and to say they would not receive a Fair Trial and what about the ones abused are they getting Fair Treatment NO NO and We still do not Know what is Sealed on Obama What