Trump Just Took The MSM And Dropped A BOMB On Them! [VIDEO]


One thing that I have always liked about Trump is that he has always been more than willing to be the type of person to say what is on his mind.

In the past, you would have politicians that would kiss the butts of reporters. Now, we have someone that is willing to call them liars when they are found to be liars.

President Donald Trump sparred with reporters in Prescott, Arizona on Monday, doubling down on his earlier statement that the Biden family is a “criminal enterprise.” The President said that not only does he believe Joe Biden is a criminal, but he also believes the media are criminals because of their partisan reporting.

The remarks were made on the tarmac next to Marine One and Air Force One. A masked reporter leaned in and yelled at Trump, “Your campaign strategy seems to be to call Biden a criminal, why is that?”

“He is a criminal, he’s a criminal, he got caught, read his laptop, and you know who’s a criminal, you’re a criminal for not reporting it. You are a criminal for not reporting it,” President Trump shot back, pointing a finger at the journalist.

The President continued, “Let me tell you something, Joe Biden is a criminal and he’s been a criminal for a long time, and you’re a criminal – and the media – for not reporting on it. good luck everybody, have a great time.”

The President went on to castigate cable news channel CNN during his speech at Monday’s rally in Prescott, Arizona.

As National File reported:

President Donald Trump castigated CNN for the its obsessive COVID-19 pandemic coverage during a rally in Prescott, Arizona, referring to the network’s talking heads as “dumb bastards” in a clip that quickly went viral on social media.

“You know, your state is doing great, with a pandemic,” President Trump said. “Pandemic, they’re getting tired of the pandemic, aren’t they? Getting tired of the pandemic.”

The President went on reference CNN by name: “You turn on CNN, that’s all they cover. ‘COVID, COVID,, Pandemic, COVID, COVID, uhwahawa… You know why? They’re trying to talk everybody out of voting. People aren’t buying it, CNN, you dumb bastards, they’re not buying it.”

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1 thought on “Trump Just Took The MSM And Dropped A BOMB On Them! [VIDEO]

  1. It’s simple, Trump doesn’t have to try and appease “fence sitting” voter blocks any more, so when the smarmy, cowardly bass-turds in the MSM throw out their accusatory or “gotcha” questions, he can throw it right back in their snotty, commie faces. A whole bunch of us out here, at least 85 million, are waiting for the day when this other criminal enterprise (the Main Stream Media), gets exactly what it deserves in either jail or heavy fines and or loss of press credentials. This isn’t because of Trump, I’m 76 and have watched the press become a communist organization for the last 5 or 6 decades. Trump had nothing to do with their being traitors to this country…it started getting really bad around 1963 when they were silent about or did not investigate the Kennedy assassination or started working communist goal number 20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions and 21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures. Congressional Record–Appendix, pp. A34-A35 , January 10, 1963

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