TEAM TRUMP! NFL Owners PISSED After Seeing Their Harsh Punishment In POTUS’ New Tax Bill

The NFL league owners who have been enjoying their luxurious taxpayer aid for building huge stadiums and pro-teams over the years are about to take a serious hit from House Republicans’ new tax overhaul. The new GOP plan under President Trump will prohibit professional sports stadiums from taking advantage of the little guys from now […]

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Hollywood HYPOCRITE: Disgusting Video Surfaces Of Jimmy Kimmel Asking Girls For Oral Sex and Crotch Massages

In case you haven’t seen, Late Night “comedian” Jimmy Kimmel has recently appointed himself arbiter of all that is right in this world. Just a couple days ago, he FINALLY condemned Liberal Hollywood Mogul Harvey Weinsten, who was just accused of Sexual abuse and rape. But then Kimmel compared Donald Trump to Harvey Weinstein, as […]

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ESPN Lib Jemele Hill SUSPENDED for Disgusting Twitter Comments

NFL supporters defend players kneeling, until it threatens their own livelihood… and then an eerie silence is all that remains. Jemele Hill is the co-host of ESPN’s ‘SC6′ and received a recent suspension after expressing her anti-American sentiments on Twitter even after having been warned once before of the consequences of her political incorrectness. In […]

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It’s exactly what the title of this article sounds like, and we couldn’t make this crap up if we tried. The same people who told Republicans to “stop whining” when Obama was in office prove themselves to be the absolute whiniest group of people to walk the earth. Many of Hollywood’s elite are threatening to […]

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CNN Asks Why Sarah Sanders Is Smiling at the WH Podium. Her Response Is BREATHTAKING

No one could have expected this to happen… Sarah Huckabee Sanders stood at the White House podium, but not a single person could have prepared Sanders for what Jim Acosta brought to the table. As she took the podium on Friday for a diverse round of questions, Sanders called on CNN’s Jim Acosta. He had […]

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