As we continue to face record-breaking gas prices, shortages of power supply are looming, all thanks to Joe Biden’s inept leadership.
But wait there’s more, in addition to the current problem, a nuclear power plant has been shut down in Michigan.
Some troubling news as we inch towards summer – parts of the U.S. power grid face high risks of outages. A new grid reliability report shows that places in the Midwest, California, and Texas may not have enough power as temperatures rise and residents crank up air conditioners.
Also, Palisades nuclear power plant in Covert, Michigan was permanently shut down adding to the worsening power supply shortages we are experiencing.
North American Reliability Corporation said that compared to years past, things do not look good. In fact, in the Midwest, where the picture looks the worst, especially in Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, and Michigan. The grid operator there may not have enough energy to meet normal summer peak demand, according to the organization’s assessment.
What is summer peak demand? Picture everyone running their AC full blast all at once. The report warns the region will operate with very little reserves, especially if temperatures are more extreme or there’s a storm that causes outages.
100 Percent Fedup gives us more details of these worsening power shortages across the country:
The American Midwest in particular is at high risk for rolling blackouts during the summer, as the region is generating around 3,200 fewer megawatts than during this time last year, while energy demand is estimated to be up 1.7%.
This recipe for rolling blackouts is further exacerbated by the closure of Palisades, which produced 811 Megawatts of carbon-free energy. The shut down of nuclear power plants often leads to replacement by gas-fired energy plants, which given the ridiculous prices for gas and energy in general under Biden right now, is a sub-optimal solution.
Americans are facing the highest gas prices in history, baby formula shortages which seemingly will never end, high food prices, and now an energy shortage which is anticipated to cause blackouts in the heart of summer, where most of the country is ridiculously hot and people will be reliant on air conditioning and other electric creature comforts.
Despite the passage of a majorly expensive infrastructure bill, there is no remedy in sight. Is that bill being used to correct problems with our electrical grid or create pipelines for cheaper gas? Absolutely not. The Biden Administration has done nothing to alleviate any of the problems being faced by average Americans, and in most cases has directly caused these problems.
Prepare for a summer of blackouts and high gas prices, because there is no end in sight.
Source: 100percentfedup