Biden and Harris Risk National Security with ISIS Deportations


When it comes to national security, there are few things more troubling than watching the current administration handle serious threats with what can only be described as reckless disregard. That’s exactly what we’re seeing now with the Biden-Harris administration’s recent decision to deport eight ISIS terror suspects rather than prosecute them here in the United States.

Let’s get one thing straight: ISIS is not your average criminal gang. This is a group that has committed horrific acts of terror worldwide, including on American soil. So, when we have ISIS suspects in custody, the last thing we should be doing is sending them out of the country without any accountability. Yet, here we are.

According to a report, the Biden administration deported these individuals back to their home countries and, in some cases, countries where they have no ties. What’s more alarming is the decision not to prosecute. Think about that for a second—eight people with ties to one of the most dangerous terrorist organizations in the world, and we just shipped them out without any attempt at legal action.

The real kicker here is that officials are raising serious concerns about the administration’s approach, and rightly so. Some are questioning why these individuals weren’t prosecuted under the full extent of U.S. law. After all, we’ve seen terror suspects successfully prosecuted before in federal court. So, what gives? Why the sudden reluctance to bring charges?

What’s particularly baffling is the complete lack of transparency around this decision. As with many things in the Biden-Harris White House, there’s little explanation or accountability. And that’s the problem. This administration consistently prioritizes optics over substance, and in this case, it’s putting American lives at risk.

When you fail to prosecute known ISIS suspects, you send a message to terrorists around the world: America is soft on crime, and it’s willing to let dangerous individuals slip through the cracks. And let’s be clear, deportation doesn’t solve the problem. Just because these individuals are no longer on U.S. soil doesn’t mean they won’t pose a threat down the line. It’s naïve, and frankly dangerous, to think that we can wash our hands of them and call it a day.

The failure to prosecute isn’t just about justice for the crimes these individuals may have committed. It’s about setting a precedent. If the Biden-Harris administration continues down this path, what happens the next time we apprehend a terrorist suspect? Will they just deport them, too? What kind of message does that send to our law enforcement and intelligence communities who work tirelessly to apprehend these threats?

It’s not as if we don’t have the legal framework in place to prosecute these individuals. The U.S. has successfully tried and convicted many foreign terror suspects in the past, including those linked to ISIS. So why the sudden shift? Some speculate it’s part of the administration’s broader, lenient approach to crime and punishment. Others believe it’s tied to Biden’s misguided desire to distance himself from the more aggressive national security policies of past administrations.

Whatever the reason, the fact remains: This decision makes Americans less safe. And it’s not just the deportation itself that’s concerning. It’s the broader pattern of soft-on-crime policies we’re seeing from this administration, from defunding the police to letting violent criminals off easy.

In the end, this isn’t just about eight ISIS suspects. It’s about the administration’s priorities, and right now, those priorities seem woefully out of step with what the American people expect when it comes to national security. Americans deserve a government that takes terrorism seriously, one that doesn’t shy away from prosecuting the worst of the worst. Unfortunately, under Biden and Harris, that’s not what we’re getting.

As the 2024 election draws nearer, this is yet another example of how out of touch this administration is with the concerns of everyday Americans. National security should never be compromised, but with this latest move, Biden and Harris have shown they’re willing to roll the dice with the safety of the nation.

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