Why Did Whitmer Just Shutdown A MAJOR Pipeline?


I know we joke about the Democrats attempting to kill our country, but it seems that is exactly what they are doing.

The scariest thing is that they don’t seem to be trying to hide it.

Consider Gretchen Whitmer’s decision to shut down a major pipeline between Michigan and Canada, which has sent shockwaves across her state and the world.

This decision would not only damage America’s ties with Canada, but it will also result in the loss of thousands of jobs in her state.

Check out this tragic and influential video depicting the consequences of Whitmer’s decision:

This is a disastrous decision that will have long-term detrimental consequences.

And one of the most serious consequences will be our relations with Canada, which is furious with Whitmer’s
decision and has warned that it could break ties with the United States for a long time.

According to Reuters:

On Tuesday, a day before Michigan’s deadline to shut down a crucial crude oil pipeline, Canada made its strongest comments yet about the decision, warning that it might sour ties with the US, its closest ally and trading partner.

Enbridge Inc (ENB.TO), a Canadian corporation, is preparing for a legal battle with Michigan and courting environmental protests in the hopes of avoiding the state’s Wednesday deadline to shut down Line 5, which runs underneath the Straits of Mackinac.

In a U.S. federal court filing, the Canadian government, intervening in the case to support Enbridge, claimed that Michigan has no right to act unilaterally since a 1977 Canada-US pipeline deal guarantees the free flow of oil between the two countries.

“This case raises concerns regarding the efficacy of the historic framework upon which the U.S.-Canada relationship has been successfully managed for generations,” Ottawa stated.

It’ll be fascinating to see how Gretchen defends this heinous decision until the walls begin to crumble around her.
She has to realize that her chances of reelection are nil after this.

Sources: Waynedupree.com, reuters.com

1 thought on “Why Did Whitmer Just Shutdown A MAJOR Pipeline?

  1. Why hasn’t the Michigan legislature impeached this ignorant woman? She has inflicted more damage to Michigan than the virus ever could and she needs to be removed from office forthwith.
    If the legislature won’t remove her, then she needs to face a recall from Michigan voters and they can remove her.

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