Why CA Docs REFUSED To Treat An 80yr Old Woman Is Absolutely Sickening!


President Joe Biden just seems to love breaking his promise in protecting the American people.

The Gateway Pundit reported that an 80-year-old mother with an underlying condition was denied medical service from her primary doctor at The Heart and Health Center because she was unvaccinated and was advised to find a new one. She has heart issues, diabetes, and she thinks the clinical trial vaccine is not safe.

Her son was very upset with the doctor’s decision as He believes that the decision is not based on medical science as far as I’m concerned. It leaves me dumbfounded about the direction that the medical profession is going.

“My 80-year-old mother was denied medical service from her primary doctor because she is not vaccinated (she has heart issues/diabetes and does not feel the jab is safe). She was told this over the phone by the front desk clerk. She never received any written or verbal communications from the doctor’s office for this new policy. Now she is forced to find a new doctor, this situation has caused her undue stress and aggravation, in fact, made her ill.

The Doctor’s name is Daniel E. Andrews, Napa CA.”

The 80-year old mother tried to make an appointment call again but was reportedly denied for the same reason.

“This denial to see the doctor was particularly difficult for her because she wanted the doctor to diagnose a heart issue she is having.” Her son added.

The staff of the Gateway Pundit have also confirmed via phone call to the front desk on Thursday that Dr. Daniels will not see any patients, including sickly 80-year-old women if they have not been vaccinated for the coronavirus. This is the current policy.

This protocol is really painful for persons who do not want to get the job because of the unsafe side effects that vaccines might bring into their bodies.

What is happening to our medical profession? As far as we know, that’s not how the Hippocratic oath works.

Welcome to Joe Biden’s America.

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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