When They Discovered This Social Worker’s Secret Life, They Had No Idea What They Were Going To Find…


Leaving his community in shock, a social worker from Washington State’s untimely death revealed a big secret.  The state social worker lived a life of solitude as a “loner,” never marrying or having any children and despite the fact that some had noticed his unusual quirks; the truth came to light when he passed away suddenly at age 63.

Alan Naiman had a reputation for scrimping and saving beyond what was considered normal. And despite being a social worker, who made a respectable $67,234 per year, he was always searching for the best discounts at the supermarket or restaurants. Alan did indeed appear determined to pinch his pennies. He would even repair his shoes with duct tape, head to the supermarket just before closing to snap up last-minute deals, and dine out at fast-food restaurants.

Alan Naiman

Naiman had a lonely nature and was somewhat of a “loner,” even though his job required him to interact with a wide variety of people, he was a very private individual outside of work. He never got married and never had any kids, which suggests that he preferred his own company.

However, few people were familiar with him, and those who were unaware that he had been keeping a significant secret for many years. Naiman‘s real reasons for being frugal were much more serious and heartfelt.

No one truly understood Alan Naiman‘s decision to live such a modest life until after his passing. He was making a fortune in secret. He spent his life as a banker and Washington state social worker and had long planned to continue his work of helping children even after his death.

Alan Naiman poses with his new car in 2013, an unusual splurge for the frugal social worker.

When Naiman died of cancer at the age of 63, he left behind his $11 million estate to children’s charities that help the poor, sick, disabled, and abandoned. The sum not only perplexed the recipients and his closest friends but also shocked his neighborhood and people all over the world when his secret was made public.

He occasionally worked up to three jobs simultaneously. Alan, a former banker, worked for the state Department of Social and Health Services for the last 20 years of his life, answering after-hours calls. He worked numerous side jobs to earn extra cash, in addition to making wise investments.

The Pediatric Interim Care Center

However, nobody had the slightest idea of what the thrifty former banker and the social worker were covertly up to, as he really had long-term plans for all of his money. Even Shashi Karan, a friend from his time working in banking, claimed that Alan had also received a financial inheritance from his parents.

Friends also believe that the social worker’s lifelong love and devotion to his older brother, who had a developmental disability, had a significant impact. In 2013, Naiman‘s brother passed away, and that year was also notable for his out-of-the-ordinary extravagant purchase of a sports car.

As close friend Susan Madsen revealed,Growing up as a kid with an older, disabled brother kind of colored the way he looked at things.”

One of the charities that benefited from Alan’s generosity was the Pediatric Interim Care Center, a private organization in the state of Washington that assists infants born to drug-abusing mothers and helps the children wean off their dependence. Their largest donation to date was a kind gift of $2.5 million.

Naiman’s donation went towards paying off a mortgage and purchasing a vehicle to transport the babies from hospitals. But many of the charities who received money from Naiman did not know him personally, even the Pediatric Interim Care Center despite the fact that he had called the facility for assistance placing a newborn more than ten years earlier while he was employed by the state, the staff never really got to know Alan personally.

Barbara Drennen, the founder of the charity and the lady who met Naiman and the newborn all those years before, said, “I wish very much that I could have met him. I would have loved to have had him see the babies he’s protecting.”

Another beneficiary of the bounteous estate is the Treehouse foster care organization, which received $900,000. In addition to his donation, Naiman disclosed to the charity that he had been a foster parent in the past and had brought the kids there to use the facilities.

Naiman‘s friends and beneficiaries acknowledge Treehouse’s chief development officer who called his deeds a “pure demonstration of philanthropy and love.” Not only by them but also by everyone who hears the story of this incredible frugal philanthropist.

Watch the videos below for more details:

Sources: Taphaps, USAtoday, FoxNews,  CTVNews




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