This Wild Brawl At A Rhode Island Bar Is Something Out Of A Movie….


According to reports, a Providence bar is at risk of losing two of its licenses after a fight involving bottles, chairs, and fists broke out Sunday night.

A now-viral video posted to Facebook Monday shows a chaotic scene at Mi Sueno Disco Bar. Men and women can be seen hitting each other with chairs and fists, as well as throwing bottles at each other, all across the dance club.

Meanwhile, the lights at the bar are all the way up, music plays over the screaming patrons, and the tables are covered in food, hookahs, and bottles.

Authorities found a gun on the 20-year-old man who was arrested. And as of this writing, it is unclear what started the fight.

Following the chaotic incident, the Providence Board of Licenses is also doing a separate investigation of the fight. “Any time we see a violent incident, our number one concern is trying to confirm that it would be safe for patrons to attend,” Dylan Conley of the Providence Board of Licenses said.

More details of this incident from a WJAR report:

Providence police said one man was arrested after a fight broke out at Mi Sueño club in Providence on Sunday.

A video circulating on social media shows customers fighting inside the Providence dance club and bar. People are seen hitting and punching each other, some of them tossing furniture.

Alexander Burgos Cerda, 20, of Providence, was arrested at the scene after police discovered a gun in his fanny pack. Cerda was charged with possession of a gun without a license and appeared in court Monday.

Police said they are investigating the incident and Mi Sueño is scheduled for a hearing with the Providence Board of Licenses on Wednesday.

WJAR also reported that neighbors say music from the bar is often so loud that it drowns out their TVs. In 2015, GoLocalProv reported that a neighbor filed a noise complaint with the city about the bar.

Mi Sueno Disco has closed voluntarily until Wednesday.

Watch the video report here: WPRI/Youtube

Sources: TheGatewayPundit, WJAR, GoLocalProv

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