Kids’ summer vacation is usually a time for kids to enjoy slip n’ slides, and lemonade stands, but for the far-left city of Portland, Oregon it is a training time to become the next generation of Antifa.
The folks over at PJ Media recently reported that the “Antifa summer camp for kids is back this summer for the first time since their fellow travelers in communist China unleashed the COVID-19 virus on the world.”
Part of that notice was the oh-so-kid-friendly offer of sending his children to “free social justice summer camps and year-round workshops for Portland-area youth in 4th-8th grade.” A closer look at the group’s website reveals that this includes “a combination of community-building activities, discussions on social justice topics, interactive workshops, movies, arts, games, and free time.”
The title of the camp this summer is “Budding Roses Summer Camp: a Story of Applied Anarchist Pedagogy,” according to a recently released flier.
The radicals have not met to indoctrinate the children since before the pandemic.
The camp is sponsored by the Anarchist Pedagogies Network.
Something we noticed the other day is that our friends at Budding Roses in Portland are holding their summer camp in person.
If you are able and want to, give them a little help on their crowdfunding! (Link in next tweet.)
— Anarchist Pedagogies Collective (@anarchapednet) June 19, 2022
“Headline USA” has more of this story:
The camps, which have been hosted by churches across the city in the past, will be held at a local city park.
The camp will cover essential activist techniques such as finding the best rioting spots in the city via a handy riot map handout.
Children also receive a coloring book featuring Black Lives Matter and Black Panther propaganda.
Lastly, they will be given an “indigenous land” book, which tells them where white people should and should not be allowed in the states of Oregon and Washington.
But no summer camp would be complete without songs and chants, especially about the evils and injustices of law enforcement, capitalism, American politics, and white people:
“The Whole Damn System
Is Guilty as Hell
Indict! Convict!
Put Those Killer Cops in Jail!
The Whole Damn System
Is Guilty as Hell!”
Reynolds starkly warns parents that “you can’t tell me that we’re not in a war for the soul of our culture. The Marxist revolutionaries are now reaching into our elementary schools to recruit ever younger comrades for the front lines.”
Sources: Headlineusa, PJmedia