The PLANdemic continues as Dr.Death Fauci predicts yet another surge in the next few weeks. This means we will need to start wearing masks indoors again if Covid cases continue to rise.
Well, midterms are coming…what else can we expect? I’m not saying they will use these lockdowns and restrictions for their benefit – because they will.
While most of us are devastated, big pharma owners are the only people happy about this news – Of course, Fauci is in service with big Pharma.
According to a Bloomberg report, there will likely be an uptick in COVID-19 cases in the next few weeks, but a true coronavirus surge will happen this fall, according to Dr.Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
Fauci told Bloomberg TV’s, David Westin:
“I think we should expect, David, that over the next couple of weeks, we are going to see an uptick in cases – and hopefully there is enough background immunity so that we don’t wind up with a lot of hospitalizations.”
“It is likely that we will see a surge in the fall.”
“I would think that we should expect that we are going to see some increase in cases as you get to the colder weather in the fall.”
Interestingly, Dr. Fauci said it’s up to the individual to determine what their level of risk is before saying we may need to revert to ‘being more careful.’
Fauci also told ABC’s Jon Karl when asked about a potential uptick in Covid cases:
“We may need to revert to being more careful and having more utilizations of masks indoors.”
Watch the video below:
Watch it here: GOP War Room/Youtube
Sources: TheGatewayPundit, Bloomberg