CBS Caught Trying To Erase A Basic Reality…


The corporate network’s cave-in followed a coordinated wave of outrage from the Ukraine lobby and pressure from the Pentagon.

CBS News retracted a documentary it briefly released on Sunday after pressure from the Ukrainian government.

This new documentary from CBS News sought to focus on the supposedly David versus Goliath showdown that’s playing out between the people of Ukraine and Putin’s war machine. But in the process, they discovered a flaw in the much bragged-about aid flowing in almost constantly from the United States: things aren’t making it where they’re supposed to. And not just *some* of the U.S. aid — most of it, as is more than half.

In fact, according to the CBS documentary that was teased on Twitter over the weekend, just 30 percent of aid makes it to the intended recipients within Ukraine — leaving 70 percent adrift in a war zone. What could go wrong?

Well, after the tweeted trailer for the documentary picked up steam online, CBS News went ahead and did what most mainstream news outlets do when they find themselves running against the preferred Democrat narrative — that is, undermining the no-questions-asked giveaway of billions in U.S. resources to Ukraine — they deleted the tweet. 

Our friends from ‘The Gateway Pundit’ explained it further:

Thank God for Bitchute and Rumble. Once you post some news it can live on. Here is the full report:

This report apparently had been in the works since April. How do I know? Look at the clothing (e.g., coats and sweaters) many are wearing in the portions of the video showing the reporter and his companions trying to deliver weapons to front-line Ukrainian troops. It is important to note that the CBS reporter is very supportive of the Ukrainians fighting the Russians. He also interviews a former U.S. Marine who is enthusiastic about killing Russians and not concerned about U.S. weapons going astray.

But this reporter inadvertently provides further video evidence that corroborates the piece I wrote in May–Ukrainian Military Units Continue Rebelling against Their Commanders. After you watch the CBS report you will know why the Ukrainian troops in the videos I posted were rebelling against their incompetent chain of command–they were not getting the weapons they needed to fight.

One troubling question remains–what happened to the weapons siphoned off that were not delivered to the troops at the front? Who has them and who is buying them?

Since May, the situation facing Ukrainian forces in the Donbas has become more dire. The Russians claim they are making progress:

Solidar – KNAUF factory grounds, and, consequently, the eastern part of the town, is taken. Similar actions underway in Bakhmut. Explanation of the Russian tactics near both towns, as well as near Avdeyevka. News on possible reconnaissance by combat by the Russian troops towards Nikolayev – a move is taken very seriously by the Ukrainian planners who prepare for the defense of Nikolayev, anticipating a Russian attack there.

Solidar, Bakhmut and Avdeyevka are heavily fortified. The Ukrainian soldiers hunkered in trenches and bunkers have been pounded mercilessly with artillery, rockets and missiles. The Ukrainian General Staff insists it is holding the line and stopping the Russian advance:

In a briefing, the General Staff of the Ukrainian armed forces said the Russian forces tried to conduct several assaults in Donetsk against multiple settlements near Sloviansk, but the Ukrainian forces pushed them back.

“With offensive actions, the enemy tried to improve its tactical position near Verkhnokamianske, a village in Donetsk region, but was unsuccessful and retreated,” the General Staff said.

The Russians also “conducted offensive and assault actions in the districts of Bakhmut, Zaitseve, Yakovlivka and Vershina but were unsuccessful and retreated,” the General Staff added, saying that fighting continues near Kodema, Krasnohorivka, Avdiivka, Pisky and Mariinka.

The General Staff also reported that Russia is “concentrating its main efforts on preventing the advance of our troops” in the south and shelling “the entire line of contact.”

We will know by Friday who is telling the truth about which force is advancing and which is retreating. But the Russians and Ukrainians agree on one point–Russia is shelling the “entire line of contact.”

So what gives? Why the change, why delete the original tweet and remove the documentary from the CBS News website? Is CBS News covering for itself, or covering for the Biden administration?

The timing of the documentary release came just as President Biden is readying a new aid package for Ukraine worth about $1 billion — which is on top of the more than $8 billion in aid the United States has previously provided to Ukraine since Russia invaded in February.

Sources: TheGatewayPundit, Sona21

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