A Group Of Bikers Roamed The City Until They Found A Young Teenage Boy, Then They…


Being bullied at school is such a terrible experience and it’s one that can scar you for years after you graduate.

Especially when you’re a kid because at that age there’s just not enough life experience to know how to handle some of these delicate schoolyard dilemmas.

Just like 13-year-old Minnesota boy Zane Omlid after he was punched, pushed, and written on by bullies in Isanti Middle School, he was beside himself and feeling really down.

Many schools have policies that can lead to a suspension if students are caught bullying, but sadly, it didn’t seem like Zane’s school was doing anything to stop the torment he was experiencing

He’s unhappy, and his mom doesn’t know what to do about the bullying that doesn’t seem to let up.

This was the case until Zane, and his family got a surprise visit from a group of rough and tough-looking bikers named Syd’s Angels Bikers Against Bullies. They came with one mission, to find Zane and tell him they’ve got his back.

Bikers Storm Neighborhood Looking For Zane Omlid, Who Was Bullied

A scary sight at first for many, but it turned out to be quite the opposite.

The group of concerned bikers wanted Zane to know he was not alone, that he had friends by his side, and that they had his back.

Founder Greg Carson, a bald, tattooed biker in a leather and yelled: “We are looking for a 13-year-old named Zane!”

He asked the boy to come outside to meet them, where Greg Carson presented Zane with a T-shirt and the group prayed together.

Bikers Storm Neighborhood Looking For Zane Omlid, Who Was Bullied

Zane came out to meet the bikers, his mother behind him and went up to shake hands.

The eye-catching group then took a motorcycle ride through the community with Zane. Of course, Zane was happy, too, as the bikers made it clear that whoever was tormenting him was finished.

The boy was so grateful and he hugged many of the bikers. The bikers wanted to show kids in the community who are bullied that it’s not okay and that they don’t have to face their tormentors alone.

Hopefully, the sight of the bikers did what it intended to do and left Zane’s bullies knowing what it feels like to be intimidated.

“Today is just the beginning,” Carson told the 13-year-old Zane. “We love you, we don’t even know you but we love you.”

Zane’s mom was undoubtedly move when she met with the bikers. Through her tears, she shared what hell her child was facing daily at school.

The strong statement of solidarity gave Zane’s confidence a much-needed boost. Now the cowardly bullies hopefully know that their behavior isn’t going unnoticed.

Happily, this meeting seems to have had an effect. Today Zane is looking much happier in school.

Greg Carson keeps in contact too, and commented on this photo to say, “Lookin good kid lookin good.”

Watch the video below for more details:

Sources: Taphaps,  CBS Minnesota

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