Who Ivana Trump Left Her Fortune To Will….


Ivana Trump, the family matriarch and mother to Ivanka, Erica, and Donald Trump Jr., had her own riches, and we now know to whom she may have left it.

According to a source, it would not be shocking if Ivana Trump intended to leave millions in her will to her dog Tiger, who is presently residing with her friend Dorothy.

Tiger was her best friend. She loved that dog,” a family confidante shared. “Tiger was always getting under her feet and snapping at everyone but her. Ivana didn’t care.”

“Tiger was all she had. She died a single woman. Her children were grown up — and she would have been totally alone if not for Tiger,” added the source. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she left millions in her will to Tiger.”

Trump, who passed away on July 14 at the age of 73, will be buried on Wednesday, July 20, the Radar reported that those in mourning will be urged to give money to a dog rescue charity in lieu of flowers. The source noted, “She liked animals more than people.”

The mother-of-death three’s from “blunt impact injuries to her torso” after falling down the stairs of her Upper East Side apartment in New York City was determined by an autopsy.

Following news of her death, Ivana who had three children with her ex-husband issued heartwarming statements.

“Heartbroken by the passing of my mother. Mom was brilliant, charming, passionate, and wickedly funny. She lived life to the fullest — never forgoing an opportunity to laugh and dance,” Ivanka said.

“I will miss her forever,” Ivanka added, “and will keep her memory alive in our hearts always.”

The Trump family also said in a statement:

“It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved mother, Ivana Trump. Ivana Trump was a survivor. She fled from communism and embraced this country.

“She taught her children about grit and toughness, compassion and determination. She will be dearly missed by her mother, her three children and ten grandchildren,” the family added.

Watch it here: Youtube/CBS Evening

Sources: Westernjournal, Radaronline, Tmz

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