Once again, Gaffe-prone Joe Biden has raised concerns after his latest embarrassing blunder, during a news conference on his plans to deal with Russia and the wealthy Russians who have “luxury homes” like Biden’s multiple residences.
During his speech on Thursday, he was also repeatedly stumbling over the word “kleptocracy” while asking the US Congress for an additional $33 billion Ukraine aid package.
In his speech, he also made another mistake and said that the US will ‘accommodate’ Russian oligarchs instead of saying ‘hold them accountable.
This is what exactly happened according to a report from Twitchy wherein Biden flubs and fumbles, ran into “kleptocracy” on the teleprompter, and failed:
“That will enhance our underlying effort to accommodate the Russian oligarchs and make sure we take their take their ill begotten gains. Huh. We’re going to accommodate them. We’re gonna seize their yachts, their luxury homes and other ill begotten gains of Putin’s kleptocruk uk, … uh, yeah. … kleptocracy. klep, the guys who are the kleptocracies. Heh heh heh. But these are bad guys.”
Biden’s brain just broke, again. pic.twitter.com/tuZub9v1IX
— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) April 28, 2022
The moment was captured by several media houses live on-air and Twitter users had a field day over his verbal gaffe. Many Twitter users said that Biden is senile and needs to step down in order to ensure that the nation is not in danger.
Arkansas lawmaker Tom Cotton said that it was ‘alarming’ to see the US president fumble like that in a tweet.
Jim Hanson, the executive director of America Matters, said, “America deserves better.”
America deserves better https://t.co/IqGkTJi2Ds
— Jim Hanson (@JimHansonDC) April 28, 2022
More stories from the WND report via Twitchy:
The second part of the triumvirate who make up the most powerful people in Washington, D.C., these days, Kamala Harris, has been spectacularly unsuccessful at the assignments Biden has given her – from working on the border crisis to shepherding the Democrats’ elections takeover plan through Congress.
She also has been accused of running a disrupted office, as about a dozen of her staffers already have quit – a little more than a year into the Biden administration’s tenure.
Those two have been publicly mocked by Saudia Arabia, which released a skit where “Harris” constantly corrects “Biden,” who falls asleep while speaking.
Meanwhile, the third most powerful Democrat, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, generated her own controversy this week.
Twitchy also posted a video of her, under the headline: “‘Stroke? Drunk? You decide’: Nancy Pelosi nearly takes flight waving arms around babbling about Republicans and hats (no, really, watch)”
Pelosi: “Do you know what the Republican response was? ‘Hold onto your hat that you don’t have on.'” pic.twitter.com/ZbTPILNIvo
— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) April 28, 2022
The report said, “You can always tell when Nancy Pelosi is either lost or lying, her arms start a’-flappin’. Seriously. There have been times when we thought she might actually take flight.”
The editor added a comment: “Third in line to the presidency, you guys, behind Pudding Brain Biden and Kamala ‘picked for her sex and color’ Harris. This is the stuff that keeps this editor up at night.”