This Muslim Just RISKED It All To Tell The Truth Mayor De Blasio’s Role In Attack Today

Illegal Immigration Liberal Agenda

Fatal NYC attack was predicted by Imam Tawhidi and ignored by liberal Mayor Bill De Blasio.

One year ago, a top Muslim Imam penned a letter to Mayor De Blasio expressing concern for the high possibility of Muslim terrorist organizations in his city based off what this particular Imam was seeing. Rather than heed this warning from an extremely viable source, De Blasio disregarded his warning and is now left responsible for the deaths of eight citizens as the Imam’s warning’s have now come to fruition.

Via Liberty Writers:

Top Imam Tawhidi revealed that he warned New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio that the city was breeding ground for Islamic terrorists.

“In 2016, I told Mayor De Blasio that I was in NYC and noticed some hot radical centres. I was willing to point out serious cases. Ignored! Not only am I a Muslim Imam who understands the threat of Islamic Extremism, I also hold a certificate in counter-terrorism. Now what!?”

This warning could have prevented the most recent NYC attack if Mayor De Blasio had bothered to regard it with the seriousness in which it was delivered. Unfortunately, the NYC mayor did no such thing and the tragic results came in the form of now known suspect, Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov.


CBS News’ justice and homeland security correspondent Jeff Pegues reports from Washington that the New York attack suspect, 29-year-old Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov, is a truck driver and has known addresses in both New Jersey and Florida. Saipov doesn’t have an extensive criminal background, Pegues reports, with CBS News only finding about four traffic tickets in his past.

Sources tell CBS News’ senior investigative producer Pat Milton the suspect yelled “Allahu Akbar” — Arabic for “God is great” — when he exited a rented pickup truck that he used to strike pedestrians along Manhattan’s West Side Highway.

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