An Idaho mom, who was at a restaurant with her family — including her 10-month-old son — is upset after receiving a nasty note from diners who accused her son of “ruining” their dinner with his yelling.
Katie Leach admits that her son’s “new thing” is yelling.
Leach wrote on a Facebook post to KTVB, “He will yell when I tell him no, when he’s super excited and happy or just for no reason at all, I’m doing my best to teach him indoor voice and to not yell back at me when telling him no etc, But he is only 10 (almost 11 months) and LEARNING.”
Leach said, “We all tried quieting him down which a majority of the time he did but he also was so excited to be around all the commotion, He was not yelling to be mean or because he was mad, it was purely from excitement and being happy.”
Leach says about halfway through her dinner two customers, “Caucasian women in their late 50’s or early 60’s,” slammed a disapproving note down on Leach’s table. The women then sat back down at their table behind Leach.
The note read, “Thank you for ruining our dinner with your screaming kid. Sincerely, the table behind you.”
Leach says she approached the two women and explained her son is young and that he is still learning. She says the women told her their grandchildren never behave like that. Leach says she could understand their complaints if her son was older and knew better.
She said: “He’s so young. He barely understands now. I mean, he’s starting to learn that when we tell him no, that means to tone it down, which he was doing.”
Leach believes the diners were rude and could have handled the situation better. The restaurant manager agreed. They comped Leach’s meal and invited the family back to Texas Roadhouse anytime.
Travis Doster, a spokesman for Texas Roadhouse, addressed the incident: “We’re in the hospitality business. We want all our guests to have a great experience. We were voted one of the loudest restaurants by Consumer Reports. We are proud to be loud. If you want to hear clinking wine glasses and clinking forks, then this probably isn’t the place for you.”
Watch it here: Video/USA Today
Sources: Awm, Detroitdailynews, Dailymail
“Leach says she approached the two women and explained her son is young and that he is still learning. She says the women told her their grandchildren never behave like that. Leach says she could understand their complaints if her son was older and knew better.”
I don’t blame the older women for complaining. If your kid is out of control then stay home until you can learn to discipline him. I would have complained too!!
Plus, you can get up and take the screamer outside. Sit in your car for 5 minutes. Also a simple swat with your open palm on their rear, when outside, can strengthen your message. Soon the child will learn “If I scream, then I am taken outside and given a swat.” NOTE: I did not say beat the child, I said one simple swat with your open palm will get your point across. I was raised that way and I did the same with my children. I can not tell you the number of times we were complimented on our children’s manners.
Since when is a Texas Roadhouse ever been a quiet place. I would bet that a recording would show the voice levels of the drunks at the bar, and the Rotund Red Hat Ladies with their weekly margarita foray were just as loud. You want quiet, order from TAKEOUT and drive your sour disposition back home. jwstx
There’s an admonition in the scriptures as to what kind of problems a nation would experience while in disobedience to Gods desires for it. Among many things were the loss of their mighty men, men of war, or judges, in other words their ability for justice would be removed, but an interesting part was this little quote from Isaiah 3:4 KJV, “And I will give children to be their princes, and babes shall rule over them.” Seems to me some years ago we actually declared, “A year of the child.” This was around the time Dr. Spock was declaring you shouldn’t spank children, because they’re just expressing themselves when they misbehave (he apologized for that stupidity later). The parent in this article was being ruled over by a babe and is the one at fault for taking the child out in public before it has received enough training to act civil (there’s an age where children understand when to be quiet and before that age…get a sitter) People should have the reasonable expectation of peace while in a public eatery. Six to and even, any liberal who thinks this child has the right to scream it’s head off in a restaurant is the same person who would advocate abortion (there’s a contradiction) and elevated talking from a large crowd is a vast departure from a screaming child. Equating the two is sophistry.