Non-Citizen BUSTED For Voting Illegally 5 TIMES!

Illegal Immigration
According to Harry White, a Tarrant County investigator, 35-year-old Rosa Maria Ortega lives legally in the U.S. with her husband.

Ortega, who hails from Alberta, is not a U.S. citizen. She is therefore ineligible to vote.



Investigators say that on her initial voter application, Ortega acknowledged her non-citizen status. When the country rejected her application, Ortega waited five months and applied again, this time listing herself as a citizen.

When her application went through, Ortega proceeded to vote in Dallas. Records show she did this five times between 2004 and 2014.

Illegal voting is a 2nd degree felony that can carry a sentence of between 2 and 20 years behind bars.

Unfortunately, this incident of illegal non-citizen voting is not isolated.

Even illegal immigrants have managed to vote during important stages of the election.

For example, during the 2016 election primaries, nearly 200 illegal immigrants voted in 8 Virginia districts alone. This is concerning to Republicans, as Virginia proved itself to be a Democratic-leaning region during the past two elections, which saw the highest rates of illegal immigrant voter turnout in the state’s history.

Most of these illegal voters do not see prosecution; Rosa Maria Ortega is but an exception.

Considering that many illegal immigrants in America right now support Hillary Clinton, this fact works to her advantage. To make matters worse, if Clinton becomes president she hopes to enforce an open border policy in America.

Could America be signing up for a 2-for-1 deal here? If Clinton wins the election and illegal immigrants – a demographic she panders to – flood the U.S., will many of them vote for her in the 2020 election?

1 thought on “Non-Citizen BUSTED For Voting Illegally 5 TIMES!

  1. A Death Sentence for the offense would curb it and take care of a lot of democrats, liberals and even illegal aliens.

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