Al Sharpton can’t stand a beautiful, intelligent, well spoken, CONSERVATIVE woman like Ivanka Trump so he tried attacking her…things didn’t work out in his favor.
Al Sharpton had some major issues with Ivanka Trump getting an office in the White House and not having an official title. He lashed out at the President’s daughter, comparing her to Obama’s teenage girls.
From Conservative Post:
Sharpton said “If President Barack Obama had given his daughters or his mother-in-law an office and some access to classified documents and cleared security status, they would have run him and everybody else out (of) the White House.”
He added, “Giving a office on the West Wing of Ivanka Trump, somebody explain to me how you can give security clearance, access to classified material, and a office to somebody that don’t have a title or job?” He then resorted to using improper English, continuing, “They say now she ain’t got no title. She ain’t got no role. We ain’t payin’ her no money. But she can see everything classified.”
Ivanka’s Ethics Adviser stepped in and set Sharpton straight, delivering some instant justice! Jamie Gorlick said, “Our view is that the conservative approach is for Ivanka to voluntarily comply with the rules that would apply if she were a government employee, even though she is not. The White House Counsel’s Office agrees with that approach.”
Twitter had a field day with Al Sharpton’s ignorance:
Send the IRS to Sharpton and give him 30 days to pay up or, in addition to what is already owed, hit him with a stiff fine for each date he fails to pay his full tax due, and with compounded interest, and until paid recall his passport and put a lien against his property(s).
Now that is some instant justice!
0how about al sharpton remember michelle obama using her mother for babysitting two grown girls for $160,000 per year and getting a pension also for that amount when they left the white house, at least Ivanka is not getting paid and the obama grandmother was as well as all the free trips she got and living at the white house for free,
Anything that Sharpthpon’s race does is supposed to be ok. As far as I’m
Concerned he is not a legal citizen.
Anyone that don’t pay their taxes isn’t a citizen in my book and shouldn’t be
Allowed to vote.
I totally agree! Lock him up until he does or throw away the key!
al sharpton should be jailed for not paying taxes and for his rude mouth.
How much longer does this man have to pay his taxes? It appears that since he is a black friend of Obama that he, like Obama, is above the laws of the nation. Two of the three biggest racists this country has ever produced scoff at the laws of the land.
why is he still walking free?