In a terrible incident, a dad in Canada was sentenced to prison for calling his biological daughter “daughter.” A Canadian court has sentenced Robert Hoogland, the father of a teenage girl, to prison for contempt of court for referring to his biological female kid as his “daughter” and using the pronouns “she” and “her.”

The Supreme Court of British Columbia’s decision allowing the kid to receive testosterone injections without parental consent led to the order. The minor child “be acknowledged and referred to as male” and is “exclusively entitled to consent to medical treatment for gender dysphoria…” according to the order.
Transgender advocates mocked those who were worried that giving children hormones that their bodies wouldn’t spontaneously produce would have bad consequences when the first children were given drugs to stop the natural process of puberty. And now, as Hoogland has sadly discovered, parental rights are now being eroded even voicing concern about their child’s transition.
However, the Court of Plea finally rejected Hoogland’s appeal to prevent his child from undergoing any medical or legal processes to transition without parental consent. Hoogland repeatedly called the person his daughter, even after the court proscribed him from doing it.
“Attempting to pesuade [the child] to abandon treatment for gender dysphoria; addressing [the child] by his birth name; referring to [the child] as a girl or with female pronouns whether to him directly or to third parties; shall be considered to be family violence under s. 38 of the Family Law Act,” The document stated.
As a result, the Attorney General of British Columbia issued an arrest warrant for contempt. For continuing to refer to his child as “she” and speaking out against the medical and surgical transitioning of minors, Hoogland claimed he would face up to five years in prison. According to reports, BC Supreme Court Justice Michael Tammen also imposed a gag order on the father and directed that all videos of Hoogland’s interviews be taken off the internet.
Hoogland stated in a prior video that his conflict started when he refused to check the box on a consent form authorizing the injection of his child with transgender hormones. Hoogland claims that he was informed by the BC Children’s Hospital that he is not permitted to examine his child’s medical records a few months after failing to give consent.
The treatment “will cause sterilization/infertility — that’s the worst ones — increased heart disease (and) osteoporosis, it stunts your puberty in its rate where you’re at.” as Hoogland says the form stated and He also said that the document also “goes on to say that this is an experiment and we do not even know the harmful effects.”
In his defense, Hoogland claimed that he started noticing differences in the behavior of his daughter; he explained that his daughter started referring to herself as a male. He later discovered that it was the school that started to pressure the girl to change her gender. The school counselor, with whom he had met and raised his concerns about his daughter, had actually made the change in the yearbook and encouraged the girl to embrace a male identity.
Hoogland argued in court that his daughter needs emotional validation rather than a medical intervention to shake off her transgender delusions. He was adamantly opposed to her daughter’s physical transition. The court, however, disregarded Hoogland’s opinions and blamed his daughter’s alterations on gender dysphoria.
In a last-ditch effort to protect his child from a medical procedure that has long-lasting repercussions, Hoogland launched a campaign to raise money for his legal battle. Unfortunately, he is fighting a lost battle because the courts have taken away both his parental rights and his right to free speech.
In the conflict between parental rights and transgender advocacy, Hoogland’s case brings to light the horrible reality. Unsettlingly, court officials and legislators are trying to take the position of the parents and are deciding important medical issues for kids.
Watch the video below for more details:
Sources: TapHaps, VancouverSun, TheDailyWire