A Democrat Senator Is Pressuring Fox News To Censor Tucker Carlson…


Well, folks, it’s no secret that the results of the 2020 presidential election have been a topic of controversy since they were first tabulated. Some challenges, like the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol, were out of line. But others, well, they continue to get attention through revelations about the events that day.

Let’s talk about Mark Zuckerberg, shall we? The man who handed out, through foundations, some $400 million to mostly leftist election officials who used the cash windfall to recruit voters from Democrat districts. It’s an undoubted influence operation, folks. And let me tell you, it’s not sitting well with a lot of Americans.

Then there’s the coordinated suppression by legacy and social media of accurate reporting about the Biden family’s scandalous international business dealings, revealed on a laptop computer Hunter Biden abandoned. It’s outrageous, really. A subsequent poll shows that had Americans been more widely aware of Joe Biden’s involvement, it is almost without doubt that he would have lost the election.

But it seems that the Democrats are still terrified of this issue. I mean, just look at Senate Leader Chuck Schumer’s orders to Fox chief Rupert Murdoch that he orders Tucker Carlson, and other Fox hosts, to “stop spreading the Big Lie.”

Now, I don’t know about you folks, but I find it pretty rich that leftists repeatedly have characterized any claims of misbehavior in the 2020 election, which is supported by evidence in multiple instances, as just a “Big Lie.”

The comments from Schumer came after Murdoch’s deposition testimony in a lawsuit by Dominion Voting Systems against the network, alleging its hosts defamed the company by suggesting election failures by its machines. Murdoch said he probably could have reduced the number of comments about election fraud by the network’s hosts, but didn’t.

And yet, Schumer has the audacity to demand that Tucker Carlson and other hosts on Fox News stop spreading the Big Lie. That’s even though his own party has a long-established record of denying election results.

In fact, Schumer wrote to Murdoch, saying:

“As noted in your deposition released yesterday, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and other Fox News personalities knowingly, repeatedly, and dangerously endorsed and promoted the Big Lie that Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election. Though you have acknowledged your regret in allowing this grave propaganda to take place, your network hosts continue to promote, spew, and perpetuate elections conspiracy theories to this day.”

He continued, “We demand that you direct Tucker Carlson and other hosts on your network to stop spreading false election narratives and admit on air that they were wrong to engage in such negligent behavior.”

Well, let me tell you, folks, this is just another example of the left trying to silence conservatives. It’s a classic tactic, really. They can’t win the argument, so they resort to name-calling and censorship.

But we won’t be silenced, will we? No, we will continue to speak the truth and fight for what’s right. We will not let the left bully us into submission.

So, to all my viewers out there, I say this: do not be afraid to speak out. Do not let the left intimidate you into silence. We have a right to free speech, and we will not let them take that away from us.

Folks, the Democrats may be terrified of the truth, but we will not back down. We will continue to fight for what’s right, and we will not let the left silence us. Thank you for tuning in, and as always, stay tuned for more updates.

Here’s a video that compiles some 24 minutes’ worth of Dem denials:

Sources: WND, TheGatewayPundit

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