Why Exactly Did Trump Just Endorse Turncoat Kevin McCarthy…


On Saturday, President Donald Trump endorsed House Minority Leader RINO Kevin McCarthy for another term in Congress, calling him “an outstanding Representative for the people of California, and a strong and fearless Leader of the House Republican Conference.”

President Trump’s sudden endorsement of McCarthy Leaves many Trump supporters in a tailspin of curiosity this weekend.

Trump’s endorsement was posted on the social media site Truth Social Saturday:

“In Congress, Kevin is a tireless advocate for the people of Bakersfield and the Central Valley. He is working incredibly hard to Stop Inflation, Deliver Water Solutions, and Hold Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi Accountable for their catastrophic failures and dereliction of duty. Kevin McCarthy has my Complete and Total Endorsement.”

RINO McCarthy has a track record full of horrendous behavior. In fact, he privately told a number of individuals that he would pressure Trump to resign in the days following the January 6 protests.

So McCarthy’s endorsement was a head-scratcher for many conservatives because many consider him the ultimate example of a RINO.

Here’s some evidence of why he is the best example of a RINO via WLT:

MSNBC leaked a secret recording of Kevin McCarthy on a call with Liz Cheney and other House Republicans where he told Cheney that he would counsel Trump to resign. Just four days later, while investigations were still ongoing!

NEWS: ⁦@maddow⁩ has audio of Kevin McCarthy saying privately after Jan. 6 that he expects impeachment to pass and was considering asking Donald Trump to resign.

Here’s the tape pic.twitter.com/hXmz2X9RqA

— Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) April 22, 2022


Rather than figure out ways to support the President who was fighting voting irregularities, McCarthy decided to cut bait and to spend his time back-channeling to secure his position in the next administration.

In fact, it was Kevin that wanted to have Trump removed using the 25th Amendment.

In more leaked audio, it seems that he was interested in counseling Biden on how to deal with Trump if Amendment 25 proved to be too slow. Check out the audio below.

BREAKING: In new leaked tapes, Kevin McCarthy discusses Trump’s removal under the 25th Amendment, worries that it would not be an ‘elegant solution’ because it ‘takes too long.’ McCarthy also expresses interest in speaking with Biden about the transition. pic.twitter.com/5fKfM7MoxV

— MeidasTouch.com (@MeidasTouch) May 4, 2022


With this and a host of other failures, it’s no wonder that Trump supporters and conservative Americans are confused about President Trump’s endorsement.

I mean, listen to the boos that rain down when McCarthy’s video is played during a rally in Wyoming last week.

Are they booing McCarthy? pic.twitter.com/mbX4s65D3k

— Acyn (@Acyn) May 28, 2022


Of course, President Trump didn’t just endorse McCarthy for nothing. As always, Trump is ten steps ahead of his opponents.

In the past months, McCarthy has undergone a transformation from RINO to the champion who is actively fighting to squash the January 6th committee. And after years of warming himself up to the Left and trying to become their friend, he’s suddenly emerged as a fierce enemy of their agenda.

Check out the “Darth Vader” treatment this Liberal gives him.

By refusing the January 6 Committee’s subpoena Friday, McCarthy transformed from a mere party loyalist to a powerful GOP man orchestrating an official cover-up. My argument here. https://t.co/tqX1LXZvGE

— Amanda Carpenter (@amandacarpenter) May 31, 2022


Just last week, Kevin McCarthy refused to abide by a subpoena issued for him by the January 6th committee.

In addition to this, he took to the news to declare that he would squash the committee if he were in the position to do so in the next congress.

Kevin McCarthy on being subpoenaed by the Jan 6 committee:

“They used the power to go after their political opponents, instead of bringing down gasoline prices.” pic.twitter.com/EnDzX9JxvY

— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) June 5, 2022


WLT commented further about the brilliance of President Trump in mastering the game of Politics:

And that is where the brilliance of President Trump emerges again. Kevin McCarthy’s “miraculous” change of heart and his actions to do what he should have been doing all along demonstrates Trump’s ability to get people to do what he wants is still strong.

Trump is not being weak by endorsing Kevin, he’s reminding Kevin that the source of his power moving forward is dependent on President Trump.

We know that the President has been instrumental in the Red wave sweeping the congress this year. Many of them are not fans of McCarthy and would vote to keep him out of any position of power.

He can see that his army of RINO’s are going extinct.

President Trump’s endorsement is another indication to his supporters that he is working things behind the scenes to set conservatives up for maximum success beyond just simply winning back the House in November.

While the Left is using this as an indictment against President Trump, those that understand what is going on know this is simply a nod from the President that things are well in hand.

McCarthy’s not a good guy. But Trump knows how to get bad guys to do the right thing.

Sources: WLT, Truth Social

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