Kimmel ATTACKS The President With 6 BRUTAL Words, Then Trump Jr. KNOCKS Him Out Cold

Liberal Agenda


Lately, TV show host Jimmy Kimmel has become overtly political.

He has taken on all topical subjects, such as gun control. This would be fine is Kimmel were just trying to be funny.

But he’s not.

He’s deliberately pushing the progressive agenda – even taking his talking points from Rep. Chuck Schumer (D-NY).

Early this morning, President Trump tweeted about his disgust for late night shows that belittle him and his administration…

That’s when Kimmel shot back at 45…

You should quit that boring job,” Kimmel writes. What a smug jerk!

Then, Donald Trump Jr. shot back with a perfect tweet. He told Kimmel to spend some time joking about his Hollywood pal Harvey Weinstein, who has recently been accused by eight different women of sexual harrassment…


Kimmel responded as a child might…


BOOOOM!!! Kimmel had nothing!




Trump Jr. FOR THE WIN! If you’re tired of Hollywood liberals like Whiny Jimmy Kimmel SHARE 10,000 times to expose his IGNORANCE!

H/T: Twitchy

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