The Mother REFUSED To Raise A Down Syndrome Baby, What The Dad Did Is Purely Heroic….


According to popular beliefs, parents love their kids no matter what. However, that is not always the case. A mother from Russia decided to give her son up just because of his Down Syndrome but his dad held him close.

33-year-old Evgeny Anisimov is a single father to his son Misha. The father of one decided to share his story with the world after he felt it would inspire parents who face similar challenges.

“In my life, after all, nothing had changed, in general. I was still with two arms with two legs. My professional knowledge had gone nowhere,” he said. “My determination, activity, curiosity, and so on—everything was with me. Everything happened as I planned. My son was born. But the child is special. His life and future destiny are already very significant.”

Looking back at the time of his son’s delivery, Animisov stated that the happiness of his birth faded away within minutes. Just one minute and 39 seconds after his birth, the doctor revealed that the child may have Down Syndrome.

Though the doctor only stated a doubt, Anisimov was ready to support his wife no matter what. He even avoided telling his wife about the news thinking it would break her.

While Animisov felt relieved knowing that his son could have a good life even with Down Syndrome, his wife decided that she didn’t want to raise her own child due to the diagnosis. She and Animisov ended up separating because of their disagreement about whether to raise Misha themselves or, as his wife wanted, to put him in foster care.

Anisimov started researching Down Syndrome that night. He told Bored Panda,

“I started looking for information about the syndrome that same night when I returned home. I knew nothing about my son’s diagnosis. I only remembered a terrible photo from a Soviet biology textbook. I went online and researched. I learned about Evelina Bledans and her Semyon, who was born in the same maternity ward as Mishka. I learned that in Europe, people with Down Syndrome are well-socialized, can live and work independently. But the decision I had already made was not influenced by that.”

Anisimov has been raising Misha by himself as a single dad ever since. His mother helps him out sometimes, which allows him to take a much-needed break from parenting on occasion, but he has changed his life to raise his son. Anisimov explained,

“This has changed my life. I had a good job in Moscow and this was a big turning point in my career, but I couldn’t leave my son. He needed love and warmth. I am an ordinary worker now, but I have a normal salary in my city. I lost my wife, but I am happy with the changes. My son is a very good and open kid like every other kid of his age, he loves me and it shows.”

Anisimov doesn’t hold it against his ex-wife that she didn’t agree with him about raising their child. He explained,

“Now I understand that she was just scared at the time.” He doesn’t want other parents to be scared at the prospect of raising a child with Down Syndrome. He hopes that his story, that he is able to successfully raise his son on his own, will inspire other parents to realize that they can do it too. He explained, “Have no fear! Everything will be fine!”

I don’t know about you, but I think people like Anisimov should be praised by the high heavens. What an inspiring father he is, and how lucky Misha is to have been blessed with him for a son.

Anisimov is truly the definition of a great father.

Sources: AWM, Bored Panda

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