It had been reported that Donald Trump wouldn’t have any bands to march in his parade for inauguration day. Now, a band is coming all the way from Talladega, Alabama. Not only that, but they are from a historic black college and Trump invited them to be at his inauguration. Liberals are pissed that they accepted the invitation AND raised $300,000 on their Go Fund Me page to make the trip.
From Allen B. West:
With the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump just a week away, all eyes are turning those attending the event — and especially on the Talladega College Marching Tornadoes.
Liberals have been imploding ever since it was announced the band would accept the invitation to play at Trump’s inauguration, primarily because doing so completely destroys the racially divisive narrative.
The Tornadoes are part of an historically black college, and the fact Trump asked them to come to the historic event deflates the lie that he’s a raging racist.
According to
The account, set up by Band Director Miguel Bonds, is seeking to raise $75,000 to cover the 200-member band’s trip to Washington, D.C. to march in the Jan. 20 inaugural parade. As of Wednesday, about $28,000 had been donated.
According to Bonds, the money will be used for transportation, travel, lodging and other expenses. The money is needed by Jan. 15, the petition notes.
Donations will help fund the trip and “give students an opportunity to have a memorable experience to see firsthand a transition of power and other events,” Bonds said. “We will be thankful if you are able to contribute to the organization.”
Talladega College – Alabama’s oldest private historically black college — has been under fire since reports of the Trump invitation emerged in December. Alumni of the college launched petitions calling for the band to reject the invitation, even as supporters launched rival sites to garner support.
Talladega College President Dr. Billy Hawkins later announced his decision that the band would attend the inauguration.
Check out the Talladega Tornadoes below:
GOOD!! The liberals are going to have to eat theirs words about Trump being a racist! Very smart move Trump!!