Did They Secretly Treat Hundred Of Members Of Congress With Ivermectin?


While other countries like India and Japan enjoy the benefits of this cheap drug that has been proven extremely effective against COVID-19. The U.S. continues to censor the “miraculous” drug as it will not benefit the big pharma.

Multiple reports confirm both the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and  National Institutes of Health don’t recommend ivermectin:

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not approved or authorized the drug ivermectin for use in people or animals to treat COVID-19.

The National Institutes of Health also has determined there are insufficient data to recommend ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19. Clinical trials are ongoing.

Meanwhile, the members of Congress continue to validate the effectiveness of the “miraculous” drug.

Maryland’s sole Republican in Congress, Rep. Andy Harris, who is also a physician, said he prescribed ivermectin to a patient who was diagnosed with COVID-19.

Liz Joy, a Republican congressional candidate, said Friday two of her family members used an unproven coronavirus treatment called ivermectin to help their COVID-19 symptoms and is recommending on social media that others consider using the medication.

WLT give us more details about the FLCCC team:

The Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care (FLCCC) team has operated on the frontlines during the virus outbreak. FLCCC has loudly advocated for Ivermectin as an effective COVID-19 treatment.

The censorship campaign against FLCCC and Ivermectin is among the most relentless in modern history. But the team remains steadfast in promoting the use of the “miraculous” drug.

Here’s a flashback to Dr. Pierre Kory’s U.S. Senate hearing, watch it here: Rumble/Video

Fast forward to October 2021 and Ivermectin is still heavily censored in the United States. While average Americans face a difficult task obtaining Ivermectin, are U.S. Congress members getting it on the down-low?

That’s the claim relayed by the FLCCC’s Dr. Pierre Kory.

I want to emphasize this is NOT MY CLAIM. I’m merely observing and reporting on the matter.

Dr. Kory states this claim comes from a highly credible source inside Congress. If true, this indicates somewhere between 100-200 U.S. Congress members had direct knowledge of Ivermectin’s benefits to treat COVID-19.

Dr. Kory recently gave a presentation to Republican members of Congress about the benefits of Ivermectin.


Watch Dr. Pierre Kory’s presentation to Republican Members of Congress on the efficacy of Ivermectin Treating Covid-19: YouMaker/Video

In the meantime, I’ll wait to see if any U.S. Congress members recommend Ivermectin as a safe, effective COVID-19 treatment.

Maybe American citizens should give their representatives a call to find out.

To know more about Ivermectin and how the liftest media outlet twisted the truth, please continue reading this original piece from WLT.

Source: WLT

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