Why Gunmann.com Is My Go-To for Firearms and Accessories

As a gun owner in my mid-forties, I’ve been around the block when it comes to buying firearms and accessories. Over the years, I’ve dealt with local shops, big-box retailers, and countless online stores. Some experiences were solid, others… well, let’s just say they left me wishing I had thrown my money into the nearest […]

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She’s Had 11 Kids With Eight Different Men, And Her Big Complaint Is The Funniest Thing You’ll…

A woman has sparked controversy and gained a massive following on TikTok for her unconventional family of eleven children fathered by eight different men. In Memphis, Tennessee, a striking woman has caught the attention of the public for having eleven children with eight different fathers. This unusual family dynamic has gained her a significant following […]

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Blue State Pushing Ridiculous New Law, Would Tax Farmers for Cow Farts

Remember when the left insisted their climate policies wouldn’t hurt everyday Americans? Those were simpler times.   Back then, we only had to worry about skyrocketing gas prices – up 45% in Washington state alone since their disastrous Climate Commitment Act took effect – and rolling blackouts in the name of “saving the planet.”   […]

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She MARRIED HER STEPFATHER, And Her Reasons Will Make You…

The popularity of adult videos featuring stepparents and their stepchildren shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who spends any time on any of the major pornography websites. Although there is a sizable audience for these adult videos and images in America, very few people actually engage in romantic or sexual relationships with their stepparents […]

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Trump Reveals Democrats ‘Broke Themselves’ As Party’s Favorability Hits Historic 27% Low

  The American political landscape continues to shift dramatically in the early months of 2025. Have you noticed how quickly things are changing? Traditional political alignments are being tested, and voter sentiment shows significant movement. Recent developments have revealed telling patterns about the direction of national politics. No spin from the mainstream media can hide […]

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Before She Died, Mr. Rogers Widow Confessed Something About Her Husband That Nobody Ever….

We eagerly anticipated viewing “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood” every day as children. The way Mister Rogers would don a sweater and sing the same song had a soothing and hypnotic quality to it. With our own children, we now enjoy the current adaptation of the Land of Make-Believe that we always adored, “Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood.” Watching […]

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They REFUSED To Let A Cop Break the Window to Save A Dying Baby, their Excuse Is…

Have you heard about the gut-wrenching story of Sydney Deal and his lil’ girl Sayah? It’s got peeps all shook up around here. I’m a dad too, and honestly, I can’t even begin to imagine the heartache and guilt Sydney must be drowning in. But, like, we gotta face the facts and ask ourselves: could […]

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He Transformed Himself Into An “Alien”, Then He Found Out The Hard Way That…

A body modification addict who is transforming into a “black alien “ says his extreme looks get him banned from certain restaurant spots. Anthony Loffredo, otherwise known as the Black Alien Project, has removed his fingers, nostrils and even ears to look like an Alien. His entire body is also covered in tattoos and his […]

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Radical Democrat Disgusts House By Casting Lone Vote Against Fighting Drug Cartels

  In Washington, we’ve grown accustomed to partisan gridlock where Republicans and Democrats can barely agree on what day of the week it is. The political theater often resembles a never-ending tennis match of blame, with each side pointing fingers while everyday Americans just want functional solutions to real problems. Imagine for a moment that […]

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Their Bank Tried To Foreclose On A Home They Owned Free And Clear, Then Karma Showed Up…

Since the housing bust, bank home foreclosure has become a rather everyday sort of event, but today there’s a new twist. A Florida couple that bought their home with cash — and never took out a mortgage, mind you — has lashed back at what could only be described as a predatory, and painfully incompetent, […]

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