When She Saw The Final Cost For Her Child’s Birthday, Her Jaw Totally Dropped….


There’s no denying that the world we live in can be cruel, but every once in a while, a kind stranger comes along and renews our faith in humanity.

Jolie Welling and her family recently came to this realization when they took her daughter, Sofia, out to an Applebee’s restaurant in Washington, Pennsylvania. When a waitress approached their table and made an announcement, the party of 16 began tearing up.

It was Sofia’s sixth birthday, so they spared no expense on appetizers, drinks, and full-course meals, although they brought their own desserts.

But when it was nearing time to pay their tab, a waitress told them that a total stranger had paid for their entire meal.

Jolie was one lucky diner who was blessed with a free meal during a birthday celebration for her daughter. She took to Facebook to share the awesome news.

“Thank you to the person that took care of the bill tonight at Applebee’s in Washington!” she posted on the social media site. “This person paid for the whole party of 16. I have never had this happen before and it brought tears to everyone’s eyes.”

The diners aren’t the only ones moved by the couple’s generosity. Samantha Powell, who is a server at the establishment, was noticeably affected.

“I mean, I was almost in tears, it touches me, too,” Powell said when reflecting on the guests the night of the birthday party.

“They were just so surprised. They were like, ‘Oh my God. Who? Who? And they were looking around and wanted to know who it was, but I would not tell them,” Powell said.

Darla Pepper-Miller says the same thing happened to her and her group earlier this year.

“Just gratitude because, you know, everything that’s going on in the world and so much turmoil and protests and hatred and it’s good to know that there are people that care about each other and give. Pay it forward,” she said.

Ok, but who are these people?

According to KDKA, they own a business in the area and have been picking up other people’s tabs at least two or three times per month for years.

“He always says that ‘I grew up poor and now I’m not’ and that is all he says,” Powell said.


Watch the video below for more details:

Sources: AWMKDKA

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