What This Sheriff Did For Thousands Of CRIMINAL ILLEGALS Will Make Your BLOOD BOIL!


Imagine if I told you that there was someone that had broken the law and they were placed in jail. Then one day, they were let out of jail.

The decision wasn’t made by a judge, and they didn’t make bail of any kind. What they did, was wait for a sheriff to let them out.

Why you would say I was insane. Now, some of you might be reading this and thinking that you are supposed to enforce laws across the board if you are a law enforcement officer. I mean, it’s in the name. Imagine if a firefighter suddenly decided what fires to put out.

Judicial Watch has filed a lawsuit against the previous sheriff of San Francisco, California for dropping charges against 2,401 illegal alien felons and putting them back on the street when they should have been deported.

In fact, in four years, ICE was unable to take a single felon into custody because as Judicial Watch alleges, former sheriff Vicki Hennessy, who was in office from January 2016 to January 2020 had a policy to protect illegal felons.

Hennessy, according to the lawsuit, released 2,401 criminal illegal aliens back into the community, allowing them to commit more crimes possibly:

The policy is so effective in regulating immigration and obstructing Congress’ purposes under federal immigration law that, in over 2,401 known instances, it has never resulted in ICE taking into custody a single alien, not even aliens with significant criminal backgrounds wanted for removal.

In four years Hennessey only notified ICE about three prisoners but none in time to make an arrest as she released them before they could be picked up. Here is a sampling of felons Hennessey released:

  • A citizen of Cuba faced charges for burglary and a parole violation, with a prior burglary conviction.
  • A citizen of Vietnam faced charges for robbery, battery, and assault.
  • A citizen of Ethiopia was charged with assault with a deadly weapon, assault on a peace officer, receiving stolen property, a parole violation, and had prior convictions for stolen property crimes.
  • A citizen of Mexico had a long list of current and prior offenses, including convictions for assault with a deadly weapon, robbery, felony assault, false imprisonment, burglary, vehicle theft, and probation violations, including one revocation of probation. This individual appeared to have been arrested at least nine times between January 2015 and March 2020.

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