What They Found Her Doing With The Child Support Money Has Them Absolutely LIVID…


Getting divorced is stressful, especially when there are small children involved. While everybody expects them to remain friends with their ex, this is not always the case. However, one mother is facing a one-of-a-kind child support struggle. Women frequently have to struggle for child support.

However, in this situation, one woman believes her ex is providing too much. She shared her story below and let us know what are your thoughts on this.

That’s especially true when we don’t feel supported but instead feel like our parenting is being called into question…

That’s what one mom has been feeling. Her co-parenting partner has been butting in where she doesn’t think he has the right to do so.

“So, my ex gives me a generous amount of child support every month and I use about 20-30% of it maybe,” she admitted. “I’m very good at budgeting since my mum raised me on her own and we always stuck to a strict budget. My ex grew up being overindulged and knowing he would never have to worry about money in his lifetime, so we have different ideas of what living cheaply looks like.”

“Recently my ex wanted to have a word with me because he didn’t like the fact that I made our son walk home from school,” she said. “He wanted to know why I wouldn’t buy a car and offered me money to get one when I told him cars were expensive and I thought it was a waste of money. I told him no since I would rarely use it.”

The son is only 4, so the car would be for her to use.

“He then told me to take an uber home instead of making him walk,” she added. “Again, I told him no and he brought up all of the other ways he thought I was making our son ‘live cheaply’”. For example: I didn’t buy him new football boots or a goal when he started getting into football (he is only 4), I buy him ‘cheap’ clothes, I rarely take him to eat out and if we go to a toy shop, I only ever let him get one thing and it can’t be super expensive.”

Mom then described more about where the money goes.

“My ex wanted to know what I was using all of the money he gave to me on if I was raising our son like this, so I explained I never used most of it but kept it in a separate account for either a rainy day or for our son,” she said. “Now he’s angry at me for making our son’ live cheaply’ and essentially told me to stop saving and actually give our son the things he wants now because he had already made sure our son would be fine in the future.”

It makes sense for a mom to want to live on a budget. It’s important for her to teach her son that he can’t necessarily get everything he wants, and it helps set an example. But it might make you wonder how she does spend the money she gets for his primary care.

It definitely appears as if her ex is well-off and doesn’t need to budget.

Source: AWM

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