They Just Said They Will FORCE Energy Conservation Or Else!


And they thought they won’t be affected by the war in Ukraine, well, they might have been dreaming like Joe Biden, the effects are way more devastating in Germany and they are now starting to feel it.

Now, Robert Habeck, Germany’s Vice-Chancellor issued a warning this week that the country cannot go into the fall with only 60% of natural gas reserves.

Germany, which has Europe’s biggest economy, gets about 35 percent of its gas to power industry and generates electricity from Russia.

Recently, Germany and the rest of Europe announced their plan to reduce their dependence on Russian energy imports.

So, Putin just answered their wishes and slowly cut their supply.

On Thursday, the German gas regulator confirmed that gas flows through Nord Stream 1 had fallen to about 40 percent of capacity.

Meanwhile, German politicians call this a political move of Russia.

Habeck, who is also the economy minister, already launched a campaign for people to save energy last week. After the Gazprom announcements, he hammered home the message in Wednesday night’s video.

He warned Germans that energy-saving measures may need to be enforced by law. That would include control over your home’s thermostat.

The Russians don’t care what they call it. They will have to deal with it.

Russian natural gas flows to France via pipeline from Germany ceased earlier this week.

More details of this report from ‘Spiegel’:

The effects of the Ukraine war are becoming more and more noticeable in Germany . After the recent cuts in Russian gas supplies, the gas storage facilities in Germany cannot be filled to the planned extent for the winter. In view of the situation, Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck (Greens) has now brought the enforcement of energy-saving measures with legal means into play.

“If the storage volumes do not increase, then we will have to take further measures to save, if necessary also by law,” said the Green politician on Thursday evening in the ARD – “Tagesthemen”. When asked whether that could also mean lowering the prescribed minimum temperature in apartments, the minister replied, “We have not yet dealt with that in depth. We will look at all the laws that contribute there«.

Sources: TheGatewayPundit, Spiegel

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