As the New Mexico election investigation is hitting full steam, things are about to heat up because of a recent discovery.
New Mexico auditors this past week identified that the voting systems used in the counties under review have the ability to fill in ballots. Good thing, this voting integrity regulators are looking for ways to ensure the same things aren’t able to happen in November.
This incident was first reported by The Gateway Pundit, claiming another attempt to steal the November midterm election.
This past week auditors in New Mexico identified that the voting systems used in the counties under review have the ability to fill in ballots. This was noted in the presentation before officials in Otero County, New Mexico. We then learned earlier today that a prior New York state investigation identified malicious code that could do this.
This discovery was already reported to the officials in New Mexico to make sure this kind of election fraud will be prevented.
BREAKING: On Monday night in Alamogordo, Otero County, New Mexico, individuals involved in a 2020 Election audit have identified feature in Dominion voting machines that allowed ballots to be filled out by machine itself.
— Donald J. Trump Tracker (@DJTTracker) May 11, 2022
Of course, machines with this alleged functionality to create and fill out their own ballots were apparently present in many states where irregularities occurred.
Pairing that with what we have gathered from Dinesh D’Souza‘s documentary “2,000 Mules” it is easy to see what kind of potentially catastrophic consequences this may have caused if exploited.
#2000Mules #2000MulesMovie in a nutshell
— Malcom Boyce (@MeetMalcom) May 9, 2022
Dominion voting machines were allegedly able to create and fill out a ballot autonomously. We’ve pulled screenshots of these passages from the manual of those machines for your convenience here:
You can imagine how a feature like this could be exploited by bad actors. At best it’s poor design to have something like this internally programmed into these machines. At worst, it speaks of something more troubling for our democratic process.
Here is what this manual says about what this feature can do:
4. Alternatively, if allowed by your jurisdiction, use the Automated Test Deck application. This application, available from Dominion Voting, can automatically generate the appropriate test decks and expected results totals.
The manual provided by Gateway says that this feature requires authorization from election officials to come online.
Automated Test Deck Creation – The creation of automated, comprehensive test decks is an optional service provided by Dominion to assist customers in conducting Logic & Accuracy testing. Using the Election Day database, a series of pre-marked ballots are generated based on a computer algorithm designed to provide the highest assurance of system accuracy. When scanned these decks create known outcomes that can be compared with tabulated results. The elimination of error due to mistakes in hand-marking provides a higher degree of
confidence in test results.”
It is interesting that according to documents circulating online that Georgia was one of the states that opted to activate this Test Deck feature. Here is a screen-grab:

WLT concluded:
While this is not definitive proof that this directly contributed to what happened during the 2020 elections, it does confirm American voters’ conclusion that machines as vulnerable as these should have never been used. The stakes were too great to utilize technology that had so many glaring gaps.
Hopefully, as these investigations intensify, there will be pressure to close potential vulnerabilities like these so they don’t happen again in November. That is if election officials are truly intent on vote integrity. Time will tell.
Sources: WLT, The Gateway Pundit