Mitch McConnell Leads Establishment Republicans in Effort to Push Roy Moore Out of Alabama Race
“If these allegations are true, he must step aside.”
Continue Reading“If these allegations are true, he must step aside.”
Continue ReadingWhite House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders couldn’t take his nonsense and denounced Brown’s exaggerations.
Continue ReadingBoom. Done. Game over. Go back under the rock from whence you came Fredrica your 15 minutes of fame at Trump’s expense are officially over.
Continue ReadingNo one could have expected this to happen… Sarah Huckabee Sanders stood at the White House podium, but not a single person could have prepared Sanders for what Jim Acosta brought to the table. As she took the podium on Friday for a diverse round of questions, Sanders called on CNN’s Jim Acosta. He had […]
Continue ReadingGet over it! Is basically what White House Press Secretary, Josh Earnest said Monday at the daily White House press briefing. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced that he would be the first Japanese leader to visit the Hawaiian naval station since it was bombed by Japan on Dec. 7, 1941.
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