Pro-Palestine Protesters Just Found Out Things Are Very Different In Florida [VIDEO]


As a person who loves the Constitution and all that entails, I am by no means someone who would ever reasonably clip someone’s wings when it pertains to the right to protest.

That being said, there are right and wrong ways to do something. It is something liberals fail to understand every time they engage in a protest.

I’ve been part of a few protests in my time. Every single one of them always took on a similar tone. The group showed up at a designated spot at a designated time. We would hold our signs and shout our slogans; generally on the side of the road or in a parking lot.

We didn’t get in the way of people’s cars or outright shut down traffic. Recently a mob of pro-Palestinian protesters shut down traffic on the Golden Gate Bridge. Shut down the whole bridge.

That’s not a protest, that’s relatively close to being an act of terrorism if you wanted to know the absolute truth about it.

Some states and cities are willing to put up with that kind of thing. Others, however, make sure protesters who are going beyond the bounds of reason know their nonsense won’t be accepted.

Recently in Miami, Florida, a group of protesters decided that the best way to get their message across would be to block traffic on a busy street during a part of the day where traffic was pretty high.

Florida, being one of our fine “don’t try that garbage here” states, had a much different response than California might have given these protesters.

Bryan Griffin, the Communications Director for Governor DeSantis, posted a video on X showing exactly how these Miami protesters were dealt with and how future protesters will presumably be dealt with.

The video as you will see showed police carrying approximately half a dozen protesters off of the street. The footage also shows the protesters, while they did not actively resist, went limp and “dead weighted” on the cops.


Living in the great state of Florida as I do, I can tell you that carrying a sack of potting soil on a hot day can be a bit of a pain. Carrying the weight of a full-grown person off the street must be absolutely horrible.

If these protesters were the type of folks that protested the proper way, where you letting your voice be heard was not making life difficult for anyone else, then you wouldn’t be hearing a peep out of any conservative.

However, knowing that things are supposed to be done a certain way, it’s no longer a protest if you are keeping someone from getting home form work or getting to the hospital.

When you lie down in the middle of the road and refuse to move, that’s when a protester just becomes a nuisance.

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