Ocasio-Cortez Openly Commits Brazen, Anti America Felony. Will She Be Held Accountable?


Kirsters Baish’s Opinion| Self-proclaimed Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York made headlines yet again this week after comparing United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) holding centers to “concentration camps” like the ones used in Nazi Germany.

“Warning: The Trump admin is expected to begin ICE raids across the country TOMORROW, targeting people for round up,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote in a post that linked to a tweet by Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES), a Texas immigration legal services provider, that listed several major cities where ICE raids were expected to start. “NOW is the time for us to come together: – Check in w/ your neighbors – Share “Know Your Rights” info – If you see ICE, report to @UNITEDWEDREAM 1-844-363-1423.”

The New York Democrat posted a follow-up tweet with a link to a United We Dream post which was chalked full of advice for illegal aliens.

According to the Daily Caller, “United We Dream is a Soros-funded immigrant advocacy group whose current executive director, Greisa Martinez Rosas, said in 2017 that ‘white supremacist politicians’ have ‘one goal,’ to ‘push all people of color in jails, and into detention camps, off the voter rolls and out of our country.'”

The Democrats seem to have launched a full-scale attack on ICE.

Fox News reports:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., along with a slew of other House Democrats, responded on Saturday to President Trump’s announced Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids by calling for the agency’s abolition and opposing supplemental funding for both it and Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

The emergency border supplemental bill would provide $1.2 billion to CBP and $128 million to ICE — two of the primary and most controversial entities responsible for immigration enforcement. Part of that controversy arose after politicians heavily criticized conditions on the southern border. Ocasio-Cortez specifically compared them to “concentration camps.”

Those agencies, a group of progressive congresswomen argued, didn’t deserve funding due to how they treated families and children.

Representatives Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and Ayanna Pressley released a statement that read, “These radicalized, criminal agencies are destroying families and killing innocent children.”

“It is absolutely unconscionable to even consider giving one more dollar to support this President’s deportation force that openly commits human rights abuses and refuses to be held accountable to the American people,” the Democrats continued.

According to Fox, “the group also reiterated some Democrats’ claim that ICE should be abolished and called for ‘an immigration system that reflects our values and respects the dignity and humanity of all.'”

13 thoughts on “Ocasio-Cortez Openly Commits Brazen, Anti America Felony. Will She Be Held Accountable?

  1. stupid “B” should be held on treason charges, wonder if she called Iran and let them know what we had planned, oh, maybe not, because trump didn’t let anything out of the bag like the Obama dministration.

  2. Question: Have you seen any of these traitors being prosecuted for their treason? Yeah, me either. Answer: No, they wont be. Laws are made for peons not politicos. You live in a country that has a two teared justice system. Get use to it.


  4. If you are an illegal alien you do not have equal rights in the U.S. You do not have the right to remain silent, you do not have the right to refuse searches by ICE AGENTS, you do not have a right to a lawyer, you do not have a right to open the door, and you do not have the right to refuse to sign a document, these are rights of American Taxpayers, ALL THESE RIGHTS ARE RIGHTS OF AN AMERICAN CITIZEN that supports OUR CONSTITUTION AND ABIDES BY OUR LAWS.

  5. The twit Cortes has just committed treason. She is the dumbest candidate in history with no knowledge of our laws, history, geography, immigration, etc. She just committed her biggest screwup and should be in an orange jumpsuit in Rikers Island solitary confinement so that she can be close to the constituents who voted for her.

  6. Never stop idiots when they are hanging themselves. They are playing T-Ball and Potus is MAJOR LEAGUE.

  7. If this moron was in your college class or was in a company talking the way she does daily, she’d be thrown out of college and fired immediately. This immature barfly is a threat to our country. Every enemy listening to her babble that is plain ‘stupid talk.” Is there not one democrat out there who knows she’s crazy and must go. She hurts America, plain and simple.

  8. when is this liberal madness going to stop,..THE LIBERALS ARE ALL TRADIORS TO THE US CONSTITUTION, AND NEED TO BE ARRESTED

  9. They have the audacity to claim ILLEGAL SCOFLAWS are worth more protecting than the homeless citizens living in conditions 10 times worse than even the illegals living in “concentration camps.” Sickening hypocrites.

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