When things get bad, good guys will come up straight! Republicans are all fired up against Dems in 2022.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is up in bringing in the good news!
On Wednesday, The Former House Speaker said that Republicans can’t afford to blow a once-in-a-generation campaign opportunity to tag all congressional Democrats as “big government socialists” by supporting President Biden’s $3.5 trillion social welfare spending package.
Mr. Gingrich said in a statement, “To have an issue of this size involving $3½ trillion in spending and about $3 trillion in taxes, and to have every single Democrat having voted lockstep in favor of it, gives you a weight of argument unlike anything I’ve seen in recent years, and polling conducted for the conservative American Majority project is “clear and devastating” for Democrats if Republicans define them as big-government socialists.”
Also, Republican pollster John McLaughlin has found that Americans generally favor free-market capitalism over big-government socialism by a margin of 59% to 16%. Among swing voters, that margin increases from 82% to 18%.
“Republicans need to develop “a new way of talking” about the issue and Republicans can’t allow some Democrats who voted for the package in August to portray themselves as moderates.” Mr. Gingrich said.
“Every single Democrat in the House and Senate voted for what is literally Bernie Sanders’ bill and Bernie Sanders, for Pete’s sake, is an open and avowed socialist. It’s not slandering him to say that he’s a socialist. So you’re in a position where you can literally pin every single Democrat running for reelection against that reality.” He added.
This is a good sign. Make America Great Again!
Source: Wayne Dupree