The CDC expanded its response to this outbreak on Tuesday as Monkeypox spreads further.
The organization stated in the press release that the Emergency Operations Center is now operational.
“The activation of the EOC allows the agency to further increase operational support for the response to meet the outbreak’s evolving challenges.”
COVER-UP: New England Journal of Medicine finds 98% of monkey pox patients = homo/bisexual men,41% of whom have HIV; yet MSM(+Matt DRUDGE) have tried to portray as pandemic affecting gen. pop to stop gay stigma. Even CDC says spread thru “anus (butthole)”:
— Paul Sperry (@PaulSperry30) July 23, 2022
The DNA of monkeypox may also be found in a range of bodily fluids from persons who are sick, according to recent studies. This includes spittle, urine, feces, semen, and lung and nasal secretions. As a result, a flushed tissue from a person who has monkeypox can detect the virus in wastewater.
SCAN can probably find a disease if its genetic fingerprint can survive in wastewater for more than 24 hours. Wastewater contains Covid-19 viral RNA that lasts for well over ten days. Although monkeypox DNA appears to last longer than 24 hours, the duration of its persistence is unknown.
The amount of DNA from monkeypox that must enter the wastewater in order for SCAN to find it is still unknown. SCAN can detect covid in wastewater from as little as two of every 100,000 infected individuals.
In a report by MIT Technology Review:
Monkeypox was recently added to the list of viruses that Stanford’s Sewer Coronavirus Alert Network, or SCAN, routinely tests wastewater for. Since then, 10 of the 11 sewer systems that SCAN analyzes have shown monkeypox contamination, including those in Sacramento, Palo Alto, and a number of other communities in the Californian Bay Area.
2,593 cases of monkeypox had been reported in the US as of July 21. The virus has been found in 74 countries worldwide, 68 of which have never previously reported monkeypox. The WHO took the action of naming the outbreak a global health emergency on July 23.
Rain reduces the amount of viral DNA in wastewater even in states like California that keep sewage and water drains separate. SCAN normalizes its calculations using the pepper mild mottle virus, a virus with a known anticipated amount, to take it into account. The most prevalent RNA virus in human feces is excreted by healthy people after consuming pepper and goods containing pepper; conveniently, it is also quite stable in water.
Additionally, new monkeypox varieties, of which two are now circulating in the US, can be found by wastewater surveillance. Almost all of the present outbreaks is being caused by the West African type of monkeypox, for which SCAN has a particular test. The Congo Basin clade strain is significantly more lethal than this one, which is also more contagious. Monkeypox is more deadly in young children, killing 3 to 6% of those infected in recent years. Three people have died from monkeypox this year, worldwide.
Last night they confirmed the first detection of Monkeypox in Santa Clara County. In a statement the county said:
“Monkeypox virus has been detected in wastewater from one sewer shed in Santa Clara County. At this time, one confirmed case of monkeypox has been reported in Santa Clara County in an individual who had recently travelled internationally, announced last Thursday. The Public Health Department is working to build awareness among providers to diagnose cases, to provide testing, and to perform contact investigations. A vaccine for monkeypox is available and recommended for people with known high risk exposures.”
SCAN is, at present, the only effort releasing data on monkeypox in wastewater. “The Bay Area is at the forefront of wastewater surveillance because we are Silicon Valley after all, But it’s not that California has monkeypox in the wastewater and noplace else does.” Alexandria Boehm, co-director of SCAN and a Stanford professor who studies how pathogens spread said.
Watch it here: Youtube/CBS Los Angeles
Sources: Dailywire, Technologyreview, Dailyheadlineslive,