All thanks to Joe Biden, this poor man’s family is likely domed…
On Eric Boling’s Newsmax show, where an Afgan interpreter by the name of Saver Nasseri pleaded with Joe Biden for help, “Why have you forgotten us?”
The interpreter, who had five of his fingers hacked off by the Taliban, wrote to Biden. “Why did you leave us?” And his message of despair comes as the US military’s withdrawal from Afghanistan approaches a deadline.
The Taliban has set the rules and has warned the US that they must leave by August 31. And with only 7 days to the deadline, it does not look like the US will be able to evacuate the tens of thousands of Americans, let alone all the other individuals that assisted US soldiers.
U.S. and allies won’t be able to evacuate all Afghans who qualify by August 31: German foreign minister via AFP
— Lucas Tomlinson (@LucasFoxNews) August 24, 2021
So, are this man’s pleadings is in vain? And Unfortunately, many people assume that they are…
According to Newsmax via Twitter:
Afghan interpreter Saber Nasseri, who is missing 5 fingers due to a Taliban attack, sends a message to President Biden. “Why you forgot us? Why you left us behind?”
“Please save my family… I love this country. I sacrificed for this country.”
Afghan interpreter Saber Nasseri, who is missing 5 fingers due to a Taliban attack, sends a message to President Biden. “Why you forgot us? Why you left us behind?”
“Please save my family… I love this country. I sacrificed for this country.” @ericbolling
— Newsmax (@newsmax) August 23, 2021
Meanwhile, Joe Biden is standing by all of his insanely stupid decisions, claiming that we “had to get out of Afghanistan” — an argument that nobody is even making. Yes, it’s been time to leave for 19 1/2 years.
But we didn’t have to leave THIS way.
Why would you take the military out before you secure your people and your weapons?
He’s a complete bumbling idiot.
Joe Biden is a senile fool and now, his ineptitude is getting people killed, and this poor man’s pleas will fall on deaf and dumb ears.
Sources: Waynedupree, Thetruedefender, Uelresins
Joe Biden caused this………..