When you speak about compromise and manipulation, Biden’s administration has been the best by far.
Imagine what they can do to a country whom our soldiers died fighting for, in just a single call from Biden, everything turns chaotic and disastrous.
Recall how they looked down the vaccines when Trump was running it, and now they are dying to enforce it without any pre-caution practices. Hypocrites!
And now reportedly paying millions of dollars to keep the borders open for Mexicans and take note, it’s taxpayers money he is using. Irresponsible and fraudulent…
The worst part is that it’s only been 9 months of his Presidential career. Should we be all ready for upcoming collateral damages he can do?
And recently, a concerned NFL player was coerced to delete a tweet that apparently was meant to mock Dr. Anthony Fauci and the statistics regarding the coronavirus among those who choose to remain unvaccinated.
— BROWNS BROWNS BROWNS (@draftnik1) October 4, 2021
Editor Mike Freeman of USA Today sports race and inequality was upset that Kyle Sloter wasn’t taking the statistics seriously enough.
He wrote on his tweeter account, “A backup quarterback for the Raiders, who has no history of fighting infectious diseases, in a tweet mocked vaccine data presented by Anthony Fauci, who is one of the world’s experts, Then quickly deleted the tweet once called out on it. What a world we live in.”
This has been the most compromised nation by far, where you cannot express your thought freely without getting into any trouble.
Unfortunately, we all have to deal with this all bullsh8t until Biden gets impeached or until the next election.
Source: TheBlaze
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